Personnel Policies Series 5000

Recruitment and Hiring

5000, 5000P Recruitment and Selection of Staff

5001, 5001P Hiring of Retired School Employees

5005, 5005P Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval

5006 Certification Revocation

5010, 5010P Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action

5011, 5011P Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited

5020 Collective Bargaining

5021 Applicability of Personnel Policies

5050 Contracts

Employment Practices

5201 Drug-free Schools, Community and Workplace

5202, 5202P Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

5203, 5203P Employee Assistance Program

5221 Part-time Staff

5222 Job-sharing Staff Members

5230, 5230P Job Descriptions/Responsibilities

5231, 5231P Length of Work Day

5240 Evaluation of Staff

5251 Conflicts of Interest

5252, 5252P Staff Participation in Political Activities

5253, 5253P Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries

5260, 5260P Personnel Records

5270, 5270P Resolution of Staff Complaints

5271, 5271P Reporting Improper Governmental Action

5280, 5280P Termination of Employment

5281, 5281P Disciplinary Action and Discharge

Compensation and Leaves

5310 Compensation

5315, 5315P Garnishment and Personal Credit Problems

5400 Personnel Leaves

5401, 5401P Sick Leave

5402 Maternity Leave

5403 Emergency Leave

5404 Family Leave

5406, 5406P Leave Sharing

5407 Military Leave

5408 Jury Duty and Subpoena Leave

5409 Discretionary Leaves

5410 Holidays

Staff Development

5520 Staff Development

Temporary & Auxiliary Personnel

5610, 5610P Substitute Employment

5641, 5641P Student Teachers

5642, 5642P Internships