
Welcome to the Girls and Boys Golf Season

Mr. Walker and Mr. Calhoun anticipate a fun and exciting year!

The following is a list of expectations that we have for all Mountainview golfers in order to ensure success and consistency.

Punctuality and Attendance: Practice and match times have been set and you have received a copy of those dates and times. Please make sure that you plan accordingly. Tardiness and missed practice will be handled as follows: 1 unexcused missed practice = ineligible for the next match.

3 late days = ineligible for the next match.

1 unexcused single period absence from school = ineligible for the next match.

3 Tardy days in any single period during school = ineligible for the next match.

It is very important to be in school and take care of being a student first. Being a member of the Golf team is a privilege that is maintained by taking care of your academics and this starts with going to all classes, being on time and on task. If you need to miss practice or plan on being late please make sure you notify

Coach Walker or Coach Calhoun

Dress and Apparel: We have been fortunate to have an excellent relationship with the Auburn Golf Course and Staff. Since we are their guest and are representing the Mountainview High School Golf Team it is imperative that we look appropriate. All golfers will have a collared shirt and knee length hemmed shorts or golf pants which they can tuck their shirt into. Hats, raingear, windbreakers, vests, are all a part of appropriate attire as long as they are in good taste. Anyone not in appropriate attire will not practice.

Electronics: All Cell Phones are to remain in your golf bag until practice is over. I-pods and headsets are not permitted at the golf course. 1st offense will be a 2 stroke penalty, 2nd offense you will disqualified from practice.

Etiquette: Proper etiquette is a must during practice and matches. Each player is required to replace divots, repair all ball marks with a divot tool, and maintain appropriate self conduct. It’s all about image!!!!

Golf Letter: In order to receive a letter in golf at Auburn Mountainview High School, the participant must score 30 or more points in varsity matches. However, the coach reserves the right to award or not award letters under the “Athletic Letter Requirements” section of the athletic code.

Have Fun! This is why we are here. Enjoy each day, practice and play like a champion!

School Phone E-mail

Steve Calhoun 804-4539 ext. 715060 scalhoun @auburn.wednet.edu

Glen Walker 804-4539 ext. 715052 gwalker @auburn.wednet.edu