Rules, Consequences, Classroom Procedures & Grading


1. Be polite and respectful.

2. Be on time and prepared for class.

3. Keep hands, feet & objects to yourself.

4. Abide by all other rules outlined in the Student Handbook.


1. Verbal warning(s).

2. Removal from class and/or detention.

4. Tardies: Students will be considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings.

1st tardy - no penalty, 2nd tardy (within a 7 seven day period) - lunch detention, 3rd tardy - office referral.

5. All homework is due when entering class. Unexcused late work will obtain no higher than a 70% and

will be accepted up to one week after the date is was due. After a week the student will receive no

credit (unless more time is stipulated within an IEP or 504 document).

Classroom Procedures

1. Place your name (first & last), your homeroom section, and the date on ALL work, including Google

classroom docs, where indicated. Points will be deducted for failure to include this information.

2. Neatness will be a criteria on all work so make sure you are using utensils that will allow you to meet

this requirement. Having erasable pens on hand, if needed, might not be a bad idea, know yourself as

a student. Points will be deducted for sloppy work.

4. Work is NEVER to be completed with a RED utensil unless indicated by the teacher. Points will be

deducted for doing so, or student may be asked to redo the assignment.

5. The restroom log will be located near the exit door, fill in all of the required information prior to leaving

class for open restroom privileges. Only ONE student out of the room at any one time and NOT during

teacher restricted use times. Failure to follow the procedure will lead to a detention.

6. One person at a time for using the pencil sharpener and not during the time when directions are being

given or a presenter is engaging the class.

7. All labeling on map work is to be PRINTED.


1. Grades are computed on total points at the end of each 9-weeks and based on assignments, bellwork, projects,

quizzes, and tests. Rubrics will be provided for the Study Skills/Reading Plus program.

2. Ongoing extra credit using the Accelerated Reader program will be available in both US History and

Study Skills (requirements will be discussed in class).

3. The AJHS grading scale is listed in the student handbook.