Mr. Mooney
As a chemistry student, you will analyze substances to determine their composition, mass, and state. You will create or synthesize new substances, create models, test theories, and measure the physical and chemical properties of substances. Almost every unit contains enormous amounts of math and calculations as well as problem solving & word problems. To get proficient, you must do a lot of practice problems.
Inquiry is the basis of scientific research and all that is understood about chemistry today is a result of inquiry-based research. For the students to fully understand science and science research they must understand the inquiry process and develop the critical thinking skills that are necessary for scientific inquiry.
General Chemistry
General chemistry will give you a background in chemistry so you are prepared to take college level chemistry.
Advanced Chemistry
Advanced chemistry will give you the necessary background in chemistry to accept the challenge of AP chemistry. This level of chemistry is more rigorous and faster paced.
Advanced Placement Chemistry
Advanced Placement chemistry is a college level curriculum in chemistry. Many times, depending on the college, you may receive credit for a freshman level chemistry course. Students will take an AP exam in May to assess their knowledge in advanced chemistry concepts.
Lesson Plans for the Current Week
Tutoring: Tuesday Morning 7:00am - 7:40am or Thursday 4:00pm - 4:45pm