Learning Resources:  Self-Help

Learning Preferences:  

maximize strategies that are in line with your preferences!

Strategies Matched to VARK Preferences
Your VARK preferences can be used to help you develop additional, effective strategies for learning and for improving your communication skills.

The help sheets included on this website include strategies that are applicable for learning in an educational environment and for communicating with others in the workplace.
Visual Strategies
Aural Strategies
Read/Write Strategies
Kinesthetic Strategies
Multimodal Strategies

Effective study strategies by learning preference.pdf

Strategies for Successful Learning

Strategies for Successful Learning.pdf

Evidence-Based Effective Learning Techniques

The most effective learning techniques are those that foster deep, durable learning by causing the learner to actively engage with to-be-learned material repeatedly over time. These techniques provide the most learning bang for your time buck! The two most effective techniques according to cognitive science are practice testing (retrieval practice or self-testing) and distributed practice (spaced review or spaced repetition).

Retrieval Practice.mp4
Distributed Practice.mp4

Practice testing (aka self-testing or retrieval practice)

Distributed Practice (aka spaced review/repetition)

Furthermore, practice testing and distributed practice are even better when you combine them. Spread out your learning, and test yourself repeatedly.

These combined techniques are particularly advantageous when retrieval is continued until items are answered correctly more than once within and across practice sessions, and with longer as opposed to shorter intervals between trials or sessions.

Practice Questions

AT Still Memorial Library has many online exam prep resources. One of them, Exam Master, is highlighted in the video below.

ExamMaster Online.mp4

Free Practice Questions:
Exam Master

Improving Focus and Concentration

ADHD Mini Workshop EDIT.mp4
ADHD Study Strategies.pdf

Procrastination and Perfectionism

Defeating Procrastination video.mp4

Time Management

The greatest academic challenge you will likely encounter will not be the difficulty of the concepts, but the volume of material to be learned. Effective time management is imperative! Managing time effectively starts with figuring your available time, and then prioritizing important tasks within that time. 

Prioritize Tasks: Urgent vs. Important

Most of us know how to create a “to do” list, which is an important first step. However, to manage time most efficiently, we must also prioritize those tasks. To guide that, try categorizing each of your “to do” list items using the descriptions below. Urgency is about time-sensitivity, while importance has to do with a task’s value to you.

Schedule your high-priority tasks first. Focus on important tasks, rather than just the urgent. If you run out of time before you fit in all your priorities, revisit your tasks to see if you can do them differently. Look for tasks that can be combined, postponed, or cut altogether. Remember, self-care is important and can vary in urgency.

Time Management - preferences, and two scheduling techniques.mp4

Time Management Preferences & Two Techniques for Scheduling