Washington Elementary Parking Lot Construction

August 14, 2019

August 8, 2019

August 1, 2019

July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019

July 22, 2019

July 16, 2019

July 5, 2019

Dear Atlantic School Community,

I just got done walking around the construction site and the progress being made is easily seen by this observer. In the pickup/dropoff part located to the South of the Washington Building, new concrete has been poured that includes a drop off lane and a new sidewalk connecting the two lanes. The front crosswalk is formed up and weather permitting will be completed sometime in the near future.

Something that was discovered during the design phase was that the sewage line installed in 1956 was very damaged and in need of replacement. This afternoon, they are in the process of replacing the old with new tile. Once completed the final grading will take place and Precision Concrete will be forming the new concrete. Given that this is a large space, once ready, a lot of concrete will be able to be poured in a day.

It is exciting to see the progress made so far and the visible changes that will be evident in the upcoming weeks!

In education,

Steven H. Barber

July 1, 2019

June 25, 2019

June 17, 2019

June 12, 2019

June 6, 2019

Dear Atlantic School Community,

Wow, what an exciting week for the Atlantic Community School District with the progress made on our facility improvement projects. I know that this website has been designed to keep everyone posted on the progress made on the Washington Parking lot, yet I would like to share some other information associated with the overall project. First, on Tuesday of this week, our school district sold bonds related to the amount passed in the referendum that passed in April. I am excited to report that we received an A+ rating as a district and with this rating received a favorable rate on our bonds of 2.146%. This is for a 10 year bond. Obviously, this was one big hurdle to climb and on July 1, 2019, we will receive the proceeds to pay for the improvements.

Although there has not been too much public information on the other three large projects in our improvement plan, a lot of preparation work has been done. Our architects have met with many committees to flush out some of the details as they begin preparing the blue prints. Recently, a presentation on turf was provided to the group and as a district, we will select the surfaces that will provide the greatest chance to prevent injuries for our student athletes. My plan is to provide updates to the Board of Directors at our monthly meetings. Right now, the timeline to have a general contractor in place is early September. This successful contractor will need to be the winner of the competitive bidding process.

Yes, the actual work on the Washington project has begun. Please take a couple minutes to review the pictures provided for this week. Stamp construction began by removing some trees and has removed the asphalt on the two tennis courts which will become part of the new parking lot. Once again, there is a lot of excitement here in Atlantic Schools!

In education,

Steven H. Barber

PS: A special thanks goes out to Roger Warne & Mariah Wheatley for taking the photos.

June 4, 2019

May 31, 2019

Dear Atlantic School Community,

On April 2, 2019 the voters of Atlantic Community School District passed a Bond to make significant improvements to our outside athletic facilities and changes to the Washington school parking lot to alleviate the congestion that currently exists during pick up and drop off of students. On May 22, 2019 the Atlantic School Board of Directors approved the bid from Precision Concrete to complete the Washington parking lot project. Although Precision Concrete is the general contractor for the project we were informed that Stamp Construction and Berg Electric will be serving as sub contractors for the project. From the beginning of the process it has been the hope of the Board and myself that through the bidding process our local contractors would be awarded the work, so it is exciting for us that the above mentioned businesses will be doing the work at Washington. As other projects move it is my hope that this trend continues!

It is highly probable that those individuals going past Washington School will see activity starting the week of June 3rd. A special school board meeting is scheduled to approve the contract with Precision Concrete on June 4th, which will allow the construction to begin. At the top of the page you can click to see a series of before photos of the site.

It is my desire to keep the citizens informed and updated on this project and future projects associated with the Bond referendum. As a district we are extremely excited to move forward with these projects.

In education,

Steven H. Barber