What's new with Tulong Sulong?

COVID-19 has affected almost everything we do: from our work to how we socialize, educate our students, and take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Driven by the spirit of magis, the Grand Alumni Homecoming Committee launched Tulong Sulong during the 2020 Grand Alumni Homecoming in December that year.

A livelihood and employment program organized in partnership with the Office of the Vice President for Social Development, Tulong Sulong aims to transform marginalized communities by jumpstarting their entrepreneurial education. Through their social enterprises, four alumni from the Master in Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise program of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business shared their time, skill, knowledge, and resources to assist these communities.

Since its inception, the program has helped four communities: Bukod Tao, Jesus Divine Lord of Mercy Parish, Kaingin I, and LAMCO. A fifth community has also been added: Buy Maan Tubo.

Let’s continue to make a bigger difference. Visit the Tulong Sulong Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ateneotulongsulong to know more. Or contact Aaron Palileo at
