From the Director of the Office of University Development and Alumni Affairs

Any wise person can learn from anyone especially our young, more especially our young Atenean who exudes brilliance in many forms and ways – ang Liwanag sa Dilim.

New Beginnings

The Fabilioh! theme for this July Ignatian month issue is “New Beginnings.” I asked myself, 'Is there any old beginning?' Certainly not if we think of linear time and don’t get stuck with our old regrets. On second thought, I convinced myself that there was a new beginning. There is no new one if we don’t learn our lessons from our past and if we maintain our old ways of thinking, deciding, and acting. But certainly, there is a new one if we choose to move forward through the fire of Faith, Hope, and Love in God and in each other.

We move forward slowly but surely ('Hinay-hinay, basta kanunay' in Visayan). We move one step at a time, confident that we will reach our goals one day as one united Ateneo community, as Friends-in-the-Lord, centered-on-Christ.

The road forward is not smooth, and there is so much work to do. But with God’s Grace, nothing is impossible as long as we try our very best to do His Will according to His eternal Plan.

I suggest we consider these three things as we have become aware of them on a deeper level in recent months.

First is our Fight for Truth. Social media has become a weapon of lies and disinformation that has distorted the light and purity of Truth. It has also become an arm to troll innocent and well-meaning people. Without much critical thinking, millions of our kababayans have been victimized by the illusions of falsehoods. The strategy to revise our national history is enjoying its gain. When a lie is repeated systematically, it becomes a truth to the ignorant. The trouble is the ignorant does not know he is in the dark. We, Atenistas, have a duty not only to defend the Truth that Christ is but to joyfully proclaim it and attack the enemies of deceptions as one of the Most Wanted. We are supposed to be the Lux-in-Domino. The Light of Truth is the Good News of God.

Second is the Cultural Divide. For many of us, the results of the past elections have left us scratching our heads. What happened there? We were left with more questions than answers. But instead of looking outside with the risk of being too opinionated “know-it-all” elitist Atenean, we look deep into ourselves, humbly and honestly examine our consciousness. If we say we love our dear Philippines, we have to know the mind and heart of Juan De La Cruz, particularly our poor. Do we? Have we really come down from the hill after we had left it? Do we know how to be poor?

Third is our Youth. I was glad to see the vibrancy of our youths during the campaigns; what energy and power to effect change in our society! The Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Jesuits single out the youths, to “journey” with them amidst their life struggles, and engage them in our labor for Peace and Justice in our Church. Any wise person can learn from anyone, especially our young, more especially our young Atenean who exudes brilliance in many forms and ways – ang Liwanag sa Dilim.

Last Saturday, I attended the launch of the Dr Rosita G Leong Primary Healthcare Hub at ASMPH. I heard the inspiring stories of our young Atenean doctors serving the communities na nasa laylayan. I was deeply inspired by their willing sacrifices and service to the poor. It was obvious to me that it was their life conviction and commitment to serve the underprivileged. And I told myself after the program, 'Ang galling nila. May Pag-asa. Ito na nga ang bagong panimula.'

May the good Lord bless us all.

Kit Bautista, SJ