Artistic Team


Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles holds a special place in my heart. My first show with Southwest Shakespeare was in 2010 as a voice and text coach. This production marks my 12 -year history as a voice and text coach with the company, my directorial debut with the company, and it marks the first show produced by Southwest Shakespeare that is written by a Latinx playwright with a Latinx cast and a majority of Latinx creatives.

Latinx representation on stage and screen has remained disproportionately low despite the population growth. It is a vicious cycle that is disheartening and unacceptable, and I am proud to be part of a company that is championing the visibility of Latinx artists. Thank you, Debra Ann Bryd and Mary Way, for intentionally centering Southwest Shakespeare Latinx company members.

Mojada is part of Alfaro’s Greek trilogy, and this masterpiece illustrates the universality and timelessness of the classics. Also, the play illuminates the distribution of sadness in the Latinx Community. We weep for everyone. With thousands of migrants waiting at the US/Mexico border for asylum, I firmly believe that we must bring to light the marginalization of women and the struggle and consequences of immigration so that we may question worldwide systems of power and oppression and do better.

Medea in Los Angeles represents the rage and pent anger of generational trauma and servitude under the patriarchy. But unfortunately, her righteous anger can only lead to violence because bad things happen when society turns its back on its most vulnerable. May this parable fuel our righteous movement toward justice and freedom.

-Micha Espinosa, Director



Playwright: Luis Alfaro

Director: Micha Espinosa

Dramaturg: Tiffany Lopez

Asst. Dramaturg: Maxwell Plata

Vocal Coach: Adi Cabral

Costume Designer: Jessica Young

Sound Designer: Natalie Payan

Lighting Designer: Stacey Walston

Props Designer: Beau Heckman

Media Designer: Will Rogers

Technical Director: Stacey Walston

Stage Manager/Media Operator: MJ Beckett

Asst. Stage Manager: Dylan Prentis

Sound Board Operator: Emmy Antillon

Light Board Operator: Beau Heckman

Spot Operator: Marco Monacchio

Southwest Shakespeare Staff

Artistic Director: Debra Ann Byrd

Executive Director: Mary Coleman Way

Producing Director: Stacey Walston

Business Manager: Janine Donnovan