

Anime Avalon

President: Sydney Burt

Anime Avalon is a club for fans of Japanese animation to gather and watch several series together. If you are interested in anime, video games, cosplay, and Japanese culture, this is the place to be!

The club meets every other Tuesday from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. All of the meetings except one are located in COOR L1-88. All the meeting times and additional information are posted on the Sun Devil Sync and Facebook page.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimeAvalon/

Sun Devil Sync: https://asu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/anime-avalon

Anime Weekly!

A weekly meeting of anime fans. Watch the assigned show/movie and come and discuss the series with like-minded individuals.

Fridays 4:00pm-6:00pm, COOR 184

Japanese Student Association (JSA)

President: Kaede Hattori

Riichi mahjong club

President: Elijah White

A club dedicated to learning and playing Riichi Mahjong.

A game is played with four players. Each player has a hand of 13 tiles, with which they attempt to make four sets of either sequences or triplets, and a pair. Once a player's hand requires one tile to be completed, they are in Tenpai. When an opponent discards a player's winning tile or they draw it themselves while in Tenpai, they win.

In addition to having four sets and a pair, a hand must have Yaku to win.

Sun Devil Sync: https://asu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/riichi

Riichi Mahjong Wiki: https://riichi.wiki/Main_Page

General Rules Overview: https://riichi.wiki/Rules_overview

List of Yaku: https://riichi.wiki/List_of_yaku

Play Riichi Mahjong online for free: https://mahjongsoul.yo-star.com/

Bridge of Japan-America


President: Liam Nelson

We are a casual cultural and linguistic exchange club for ASU students who are learning Japanese or are simply interested in Japan and its culture, and Japanese exchange students who want to practice their English, learn more about American culture, or share their culture with others.

We will announce meeting details through Sun Devil Sync and social media channels.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/bja.asu

Discord: https://discord.gg/8kFqpVA

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimeAvalon/

Sun Devil Sync: https://asu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/bridge-of-japan-america