SCAI Accelerated Master's Application

This page outlines the steps to apply and plan for an accelerated ("4+1") track as a current undergraduate SCAI student. Students should thoroughly review the information on this page before submitting an application.

The Fall 2024 Application is now closed.  Please check back later for next application season.

Please email for assistance. 

Overview & Benefits

Accelerated master's students at ASU have the opportunity to double-count/share credits between undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. In some cases students may also opt to reserve additional pre-admission credits towards their master's degree. 

No Fee.* There are no fees to apply or begin the accelerated track. If students later decide not to continue into the graduate program, any completed 5XX level credits can still satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. There is no penalty if students do not complete the master's. 

Save Money.  Any shared or reserved graduate credits earned in the undergraduate career will be charged at the undergraduate tuition rate, thus students may use any undergraduate funding, including financial aid and/or scholarships, to pay for the cost of these credits. Remaining NAMU scholarship awards may also be carried into to a campus-based graduate program to help save even more on tuition.  

Save Time. Students have the opportunity to earn their master's within one year after graduation.

Gain Competitive Edge. Accelerated students possess the drive for high academic achievement and earning a master's degree increases opportunity for career advancement. See current US Census numbers.

*Note, this application process is for candidacy for the accelerated track. An ASU Graduate Admissions Application (and fee) will also be required for official graduate admissions (to be completed later in the senior year).

Step 1: Review Degree Pairing Options

Computer Science (BS):  



Computer Systems Engineering (BSE):  

Engineering Management (BSE), Tempe & Online campus:  

Industrial Engineering (BSE):  

Informatics (BS):  

Software Engineering (BS), Polytechnic campus:  



*Undergraduate Computer Science & Computer Systems students may not have a concentration (Cybersecurity or Software Engineering) to complete accelerated track in RAS (AI) or CEN. 

**Engineering Management students are required to complete the Career Focus Area in Business Analytics and must take IEE 470 in place of IEE 474.

***Informatics students should plan to meet with advising as early as possible to plan for accelerated track in RAS(AI).

****Software Engineering students need to take CSE 340 as a tech elective for the MCS.

Additional Resources: 

Step 2: Review Eligibility

Check that you have the minimum CUM GPA for the corresponding graduate program. 

Decisions are based on overall academic performance to determine the likelihood of success in graduate level coursework as a continuing undergraduate level student. The major GPA, cumulative GPA, last 60 credits GPA, and deficiency/foundational course GPA are all factors that are considered. Students should have B’s or better in the deficiency/foundational courses for the degree. Students who have repeated major courses will need to explain why the repeat was needed in the graduation application. Students should not have any record of an Academic Integrity Violation. 

Check that you are applying during the right semester. 

Students should apply while in term 6/the semester just before Capstone I.  Students must be going into the final year of their bachelors degree. Early applications will not be accepted; however, late applications may be accepted on a case by case basis. Note: late applicants may have reduced opportunity to share or "double count" credits, which is a major benefit of the accelerated track. Approval is not guaranteed.

Computer Science deficiency/foundational courses:

CSE 230

CSE 310

CSE 355

CSE 340

CSE 330

Software Engineering deficiency/foundational courses: 

CSE 240

SER 222

SER 334

Industrial Engineering deficiency/foundational courses:

CSE 205

IEE 376

IEE 380

IEE 470

Robotics and Autonomous Systems deficiency/foundational courses: 

MAT 243

MAT 343

CSE 220/240

CSE 310

Computer Engineering deficiency/foundational courses:

CSE 230

CSE 310

Step 3: Review Recommended Track & Shared Courses

Graduate Program 4xx & Shared Credit Limits:

Step 4: Complete Quiz

After you have thoroughly reviewed the information on this page, complete the steps below

Step 5: Complete Application

Note, this application process is for candidacy for the accelerated track only. An ASU Graduate Admissions Application will also be required for official graduate admissions (to be completed later in the senior year). As a reminder, early accelerated track applications will not be accepted.

For general questions regarding eligibility and application process, email .