Community Partners

INTRO 5 min.mp4

What is Project Brain Team?

Project Brain Team uses online games for children aged 9-12 experiencing high conflict between their parents due to separation or divorce. 

The aim is to test whether the games help children cope better with conflict, improving their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses to conflict events. One game will be played by all participants and three games will be randomly assigned. The study is a randomized clinical trial to assess the effects of the online games. Visit NIMH and for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Dr. Karey O'Hara?

Dr. O'Hara is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University’s School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She is a core faculty member of ASU's Law and Behavioral Science program and affiliated faculty with ASU's REACH Institute. Currently, her work is supported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (K01MH120321).

What is YFaCS Lab?

Youth and Families in Court Systems

(YFaCS) Lab

We study the risk and protective factors that influence how youth and families adjust after stressful events that involve contact with family, juvenile, or criminal court systems. We use this information to design interventions that are informed by science, easy to use, and effective in protecting and promoting mental health.  

What is a Community Partner?

A Community Partner is an individual supporting Project Brain Team by sharing study information.  This can include judges, counselors, therapists, social workers, teachers, mediators, parenting coaches, administrative staff, community liaisons, and anyone interested in making a difference in their communities!

How do I become a Community Partner? 

-Accessing this link 

-Scanning the QR Code to the left

-Clicking the "I want to join" button on the top of this page.

How can I share PBT information?

Our Community Partners share study information by:

How can I provide a Letter of Support?

Our ethics board wants to keep track of all the community partners working on this project. Here's a link to a pre-formatted letter to hopefully reduce the burden (we know there is so much paperwork!). You are also welcome to write your own and please feel free to edit/add/delete. If you do write your own, the ethics board prefers it to be on letterhead if possible. 

What do research participants do?

For a written description, refer to the study website in the Recruitment Materials section.

How can I contact YFaCS Lab?


Phone: (602) 543-2290 

Text:     (480) 253-9734‬ 

We truly appreciate you! 

We could not do this work without the incredible support of our community partners.