Nigel Bashaw

I am nineteen and live in Virginia, I move around a lot because my dad is in the military and I have lived is eight other places. I will be majoring in mechanical engineering so I can go into the military as an officer for a job as an engineer. Currently I work at Starbucks which is a good first job that I started when I was sixteen. I don't really have any hobbies but I do like playing cards or checkers when ever I have the chance. My family has had a few pets the first being a lizard we named Iggy he was an Iguana. Then we got a dog after we soled Iggy her name was Star. Star was old and got really sick and we put her down, and now we have a dog and her name is Roxy she is still a puppy dog. I have a lot of accomplishments, but I am most proud of being the team captain in both cross country and track. I also was able to make it to regionals in cross country but I am more proud that I ran that race in 18 minutes and 58 seconds. I also did wrestling and made it to regionals my senior year. My Adamic goal for this class is to pass but my over all goal is to graduate in four or three years and not have to redo any classes.

My Accomplishments

I was the team captain for two years and competed for four years my personal best is 18:58.

my strengthes

I never give up and I learn from my mistakes.

MY Goal

I want to graduate in four years.