
This is where you will find all the animations from my published works!

Resonance structures in kink-antikink scattering in a quantum vacuum

(see arXiv:  2303.03415 or Publications)

The animations for the kink-antikink collision. The red (purple and orange plots for the top panel) plot is the background - kink-antikink profile. The blue plot is the renormalized energy density in the quantum field, \psi. The parameters are L=100, N=500, \xi=0.05, \mu=0.1, \lambda=1, \eta=1, and t_0=-100. The collision happens at t = 0. You can see the quantum radiation being produced after the collision, which then propagates out. The animations correspond to Fig. 3 and Fig. 6 in the preprint.

The background evolution for v_in = 0.21 (purple) showing the formation of a bound state and v_in = 0.3 (orange) where the kink and antikink reflect post-collision but the internal degrees of freedom (shape mode) are excited.

Slower velocities lead to bound state formation and subsequent bursts of radiation.

Faster velocities lead to reflection with one radiation burst produced on collision, subsequent smaller bursts are due to the excitations of the internal shape modes of the kink-antikink background.

Kink-antikink scattering in a quantum vacuum

(see arXiv:  2110.08277 or Publications)

The animations for the kink-antikink collision. The red plot is the background - kink-antikink profile. The blue plot is the renormalized energy density in the quantum field, \psi. The parameters are L=100, N=500, \lambda=0.3, \mu=0.1, m_{phys}=1, and t_0=-100. The collision happens at t=0. You can see the quantum radiation being produced after the collision, which then propagates out. The animations correspond to Fig. 3 in the preprint.

When backreaction is not included, the kink-antikink dynamics is unperturbed. There is just a single burst of radiation at the collision.

When backreaction is included, the kink-antikink get "stuck." Multiple bursts of radiation are produced as a result.

Here the kink-antikink is moving towards each other faster than above. Without backreaction, once again the kink-antikink dynamics is unperturbed. There is just a single burst of radiation at the collision just like before.

Here also the kink-antikink is moving towards each other faster than above. But, even with backreaction, there is just a single burst of radiation at the collision, very unlike what happened above. The only difference from the case without backreaction is the kink-antikink slow down as a result of the collsion.

When \lambda=0.9 (v=0.2), the case is a bit mysterious since the object formed may be a long-lived osccillon. Here is an animation of the same just like the ones above. Observe the red plot towards the end! This corresponds to Fig. 10 in the preprint.

Pointing using presupernova neutrinos: Case studies (see arXiv: 2004.02045 or Publications)

Angular error cones at 68% C.L. and 90% C.L. for a liquid scintillator neutrino detector like JUNO (orange and maroon contours), and JUNO doped with lithium (indigo and black contours) at 4 hours, 1 hour and 2 minutes prior to the core collapse. The animation on the left corresponds to Betelgeuse (D= 0.222 kpc, M ≃ 15 M⊙); the animation on the right is for Antares (D=0.169 kpc, M ≃ 15 M⊙). 

When its 1 hour prior to collapse, that's when you issue an alert to all interested communities and probably see one of the stars in the contour collapse and explode!

Same as above, but for a far away star like σ Canis Majoris (left, D=0.513 kpc, M ≃ 15 M⊙) and for a huge star like S Monocerotis A (right, D= 0.282 kpc, M ≃ 30 M⊙). Only 68% C.L. contours are shown here, for JUNO (orange) and lithium-doped JUNO (indigo).

The not so lucky cases!