I am a theoretical physicist working on astro-praticle physics and high energy physics. I am currently a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University with Prof. Kohta Murase as my mentor. I completed my Ph.D. in Physics at Arizona State University (2018 - 2022) , where I worked with Prof. Cecilia Lunardini (advisor) and Prof. Tanmay Vachaspati.  I completed my undergrad (Bachelor of Science - Physics (Honors)) at St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi (2015 - 2018).

Research Interests

My research interests in astro-particle physics include: multi­-messenger astronomy, neu­trino physics, phenomenology of astrophysical neutrinos, gravitational waves (GWs), and dark matter. In particular, I have worked on core collapse supernovae, supernova neutrinos, pre-supernova neutrinos, gravitational wave memory effect, high-energy astrophysical phenomena (tidal disruption events, magnetars from binary neutron star mergers, gamma-ray bursts).

I am also interested in high energy physics, cosmology, field theory: quantum fields in time-dependent backgrounds and backreaction -  particle production; early universe cosmology, topological defects - kinks, vortices, monopoles, solitons; kink antikink collisions.

A list of my published works can be found at Inspire and arXiv. A list of my works with brief descriptions can also be found in the Publications section of this website.

My current CV can be found here.

Main highlights from my published works: