Socially Responsible Machine Learning: A Causal Perspective

The evergrowing reliance of humans and society on machine learning methods has raised concerns about their trustworthiness and liability. As a response to these concerns, Socially Responsible Machine Learning (SRML) aims at developing fair, transparent, and robust machine learning algorithms. However, traditional approaches to SRML do not incorporate human perspectives, and therefore are not sufficient to build long-lasting trust between machines and human being. Causality as the key to human intelligence plays a vital role in achieving socially responsible machine learning algorithms which are compatible with human notions. 

Bridging the gap between traditional SRML and causality, in this tutorial, we aim at  providing a holistic overview of SRML through the lens of causality. In particular, we will focus on state-of-the-art techniques on causal socially responsible ML in terms of fairness, interpretability, and robustness. The objectives of this tutorial are as follows: (1) we provide a taxonomy of existing literature on causal socially responsible ML from fairness, interpretability, and robustness perspective; (2) we review the state-of-the-art techniques for each task; and (3) we elucidate open questions and future research directions. We believe this tutorial is beneficial to researchers and practitioners from the areas of data mining, machine learning, and social sciences.


Raha Moraffah

Arizona State University

Amir-Hossein Karimi

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Adrienne Raglin

Army Research Lab

Huan Liu

Arizona State University


Miriam Rateike

Saarland University

Ayan Majumdar

Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Isabel Valera

Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarland University

Tutorial Outline 

(1) Background and Overview (10 mins) (Slides) 

  (i) Overview of Causal Socially Responsible ML

(ii) Introduction to Causality

(2) Causal Interpretability (50 mins) (Slides) 

  (i) Causal Data-base Interpretability

(ii) Causal Model-based Interpretability

(iii) Causal Decision-base Interpretability

(3) Causal Fairness (50 mins)  (Slides) 

  (i) Fundamental of Causal Fairness

(ii) Causal Fairness Notions

(iii) Causal Fairness Methods

(3) Causal Robustness (50 mins) (Slides) 

  (i) Causal Data Augmentation

(ii) Causal Representation Learning

(iii) Causal Mechanism Learning

(iv) Post-training Methods

(4) Conclusion and Future Trends (10 mins)  (Slides) 

  (i) Future Directions and Promises

(ii) Challenges and Limitations


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