
Neuner, F.G., and Ramirez, M.D. (2023) Evaluating the Effect of Descriptive Norms on Tolerance, American Politics Research, 51(6), 701-714.

Castanho Silva, B., Neuner, F.G., and Wratil, C. (2023) Populism and Candidate Support in the US: The Effects of  "Thin" and "Host" Ideology, Journal of Experimental Political Science, 10(3), 438-447.

Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., Neuner, F.G., & Soroka, S. (2023) Cued by Culture: Political Imagery and Partisan Evaluations, Political Behavior, 45(2), 741-759.

Kacholia, S., and Neuner, F.G. (2022) The Effect of Priming Partisan Identities on Support for Political Violence, Frontiers in Political Science, 4, 835032.

Neuner, F.G., and Wratil, C. (2022) The Populist Marketplace: Unpacking the Role of "Thin"and "Thick" Ideology, Political Behavior, 44, 551-574.

Jefferson, H.J, Neuner, F.G., & Pasek, J. (2021) Seeing Blue in Black and White: Race and Perceptions of Officer-Involved Shootings, Perspectives on Politics, 19(4), 1165-1183.

Meerow, S., and Neuner, F.G. (2021) Positively Resilient? How Framing Local Action Affects Public Opinion, Urban Affairs Review, 57:1, 70-103.

Fairbanks, B., Neuner, F.G., Perera, I., & Slaughter, C. (2021) Pay to Play? How ReducingAPSA Division Fees Increases Graduate Student Participation, PS: Political Science & Politics, 54:4, 645-650.

Valentino, N.A., Neuner, F.G., Kamin, J., and Bailey, M. (2020) Testing Snowden’s Hypothesis: Does Mere Awareness Drive Opposition to Government Surveillance?, Public Opinion Quarterly, 84:4, 958-985.

Neuner, F.G., (2020) Public Opinion and the Legitimacy of Global Private Environmental Governance, Global Environmental Politics, 20:1, 60-81.

Bachleda, S., Neuner, F.G., Soroka, S., Guggenheim, L., Fournier, P., & Naurin, E. (2020) Measuring Negativity Biases in News Selection, Personality and Individual Differences, 155:1, 109675.

Neuner, F.G., Soroka, S.N., and Wlezien, C. (2019) Mass Media as a Source of Public Responsiveness, International Journal of Press/Politics, 24:3, 269-292.

Valentino, N. A., Neuner, F. G.,  and L. Matthew Vandenbroek (2018), The Changing Norms of Racial Political Rhetoric and the End of Racial Priming. Journal of Politics [Accepted Version, Online Appendix, Dataverse]

Valentino, N. A. and Neuner, F. G. (2017), Why the Sky Didn’t Fall: Mobilizing Anger in Reaction to Voter ID Laws. Political Psychology, 38: 331–350.