Neuner, F.G., and Ramirez, M.D. (2023) Evaluating the Effect of Descriptive Norms on Tolerance, American Politics Research, 51(6), 701-714.
Castanho Silva, B., Neuner, F.G., and Wratil, C. (2023) Populism and Candidate Support in the US: The Effects of "Thin" and "Host" Ideology, Journal of Experimental Political Science, 10(3), 438-447.
Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., Neuner, F.G., & Soroka, S. (2023) Cued by Culture: Political Imagery and Partisan Evaluations, Political Behavior, 45(2), 741-759.
Kacholia, S., and Neuner, F.G. (2022) The Effect of Priming Partisan Identities on Support for Political Violence, Frontiers in Political Science, 4, 835032.
Neuner, F.G., and Wratil, C. (2022) The Populist Marketplace: Unpacking the Role of "Thin"and "Thick" Ideology, Political Behavior, 44, 551-574.
Jefferson, H.J, Neuner, F.G., & Pasek, J. (2021) Seeing Blue in Black and White: Race and Perceptions of Officer-Involved Shootings, Perspectives on Politics, 19(4), 1165-1183.
Meerow, S., and Neuner, F.G. (2021) Positively Resilient? How Framing Local Action Affects Public Opinion, Urban Affairs Review, 57:1, 70-103.
Fairbanks, B., Neuner, F.G., Perera, I., & Slaughter, C. (2021) Pay to Play? How ReducingAPSA Division Fees Increases Graduate Student Participation, PS: Political Science & Politics, 54:4, 645-650.
Valentino, N.A., Neuner, F.G., Kamin, J., and Bailey, M. (2020) Testing Snowden’s Hypothesis: Does Mere Awareness Drive Opposition to Government Surveillance?, Public Opinion Quarterly, 84:4, 958-985.
Neuner, F.G., (2020) Public Opinion and the Legitimacy of Global Private Environmental Governance, Global Environmental Politics, 20:1, 60-81.
Bachleda, S., Neuner, F.G., Soroka, S., Guggenheim, L., Fournier, P., & Naurin, E. (2020) Measuring Negativity Biases in News Selection, Personality and Individual Differences, 155:1, 109675.
Neuner, F.G., Soroka, S.N., and Wlezien, C. (2019) Mass Media as a Source of Public Responsiveness, International Journal of Press/Politics, 24:3, 269-292.
Valentino, N. A., Neuner, F. G., and L. Matthew Vandenbroek (2018), The Changing Norms of Racial Political Rhetoric and the End of Racial Priming. Journal of Politics [Accepted Version, Online Appendix, Dataverse]
Media: Washington Post Wonkblog (here, here, and here), Salon (here, here, and here), The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, The Nation, The New York Times
Valentino, N. A. and Neuner, F. G. (2017), Why the Sky Didn’t Fall: Mobilizing Anger in Reaction to Voter ID Laws. Political Psychology, 38: 331–350.
Media: Pacific Standard, FiveThirtyEight, Press release