Shootings it’s an issue that many citizens are worried about because it has been present in America since a long time ago. However, shootings have been happening more often in the modern days. This problem is impacting many public spaces, such as big company stores, churches, etc. But the place that has been more affected by this issue are educational institutions. Lately, many teenagers around the United States have attempted a school shooting. Some of them failing while trying, but others being able to make it possible killing lots of innocent people. People says that gun control, bullying, and mental health are some of the main factors for this problem happening.

This topic is important to me because it was something that impacted me during my youth, I remember while I was on High school watching and hearing myriads of news about school shootings happening all around America. Obviously, hearing news like those made me live with a type of fear about a school shooting happening in my community, and more specifically, at my school. Even though we had simulations on what to do if some incident like this happened, my friends and I still feared about experiencing a school shooting. That’s when I started thinking why schools and government have failed on stopping these deathly tragedies, and what were the reasons why shooters carried out this unscrupulous and unethical actions.

Most of the time news didn’t cover what was the reason of the shooter to commit that crime. So, I started making my own conclusions of why people would commit such as immoral action against innocent people. The first options that came to my mind were the violence in videogames and movies. And began to think this was an actual reason since many others shared the same thought with me. However, once I started the research, I found out that violent content was not even a reason of school shootings. Gun control seemed to be the main reason of this problem; nevertheless, as I went deeper with the research, I found that mental health played an important role in these situations. It was interesting knowing the fact that there are many factors that can lead a person to commit such a crime. Later, I found that certain amount of the criminals involved in shootings have mental issues. Some of them for mental ill, and others provoked by personal problems such as bullying or the environment they lived in. This make me realize that having strong and good mental health among kids and teenagers could be helpful to prevent future school shootings.

If You are having issues with mental health, get professional help.