3rd Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop
In conjunction with AIED 2019 at DePaul University, CDM Building (2nd Floor), Chicago IL, USA
June 25th, 2019
Welcome to the 3rd #CSEDM workshop which will be held during the AIED 2019 conference at Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago IL, USA!
Registration is now Open! You can register through AIED's registration website. Make sure to select Workshop #4.
The objective of this workshop is to facilitate a discussion among our research community around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computer Science Education. The workshop is meant to be an interdisciplinary event. Researchers, faculty and students are encouraged to share their data mining approaches, methodologies and experiences where AI is transforming the way students learn Computer Science (CS) skills.
The 3rd CSEDM workshop at AIED 2019 has been kindly sponsored by SPLICE.
*To apply travel support to attend the workshop (covering workshop registration and one night hotel), please submit your application by emailing Peter Brusilovsky at peterb@pitt.edu. Application should mention: why you need to be at the workshop, why you need funding and how much support you need.
Important Dates
05 Apr 2019 Open Call for Submissions
15 May 2019 Deadline for Research Papers and Presentation Abstract Submissions
24 May 2019 Decisions on Research Papers and Presentation Abstract Submissions
25 June 2019 3rd CSEDM Workshop at AIED in Chicago, IL, USA
For more information, feel free to contact us at csedm.workshop@gmail.com