HST 302 Ancient Law and Society

Instructor: Benjamin Sullivan, SHPRS

HST 346 Ancient Greece II

Instructor: Benjamin Sullivan, SHPRS

Traces the transformation of the Greek world between the end of the Peloponnesian War (404 B.C.) and the absorption of the last major Greek state by growing power of Rome (30 B.C.), with special attention to how Greeks in this period lived and thought and how the period's political and economic changes helped to create new forms of culture.

HST 347 Ancient Greece I

Instructor: Matt Simonton, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies

Traces Greek History from its prehistoric beginnings through the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.), with a special focus on the Archaic (ca. 800-480 B.C.) and Early Classical periods.

HST 439 Athenian Democracy

Instructor: Matt Simonton, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies

Discussion-based seminar familiarizes participants with the origins, characteristic institutions and political ideology of the Athenian democracy of the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. Engages selected topics in the study of Athenian democracy and gives participants an idea of the substance of contemporary debates within scholarship. Topics will include: The origins of the Athenian democracy; women, slaves, and other subordinate social groups within the democracy; elite critique of democratic ideology and episodes of outright civil war; leaders and masses; the role of the court system within the democracy; democracy and the Athenian empire; and violence in Athenian society. The goal of the course, in addition to a greater familiarity with the Athenian democracy, will be a research paper with a well-chosen topic and a distinctive thesis.

REL 315 Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)

Instructor: Timothy Langille, SHPRS

Nature, content, background, historical situation, and message of the books of the Hebrew Bible in English translation.

REL 371 New Testament

Instructor: Blake Hartung, SHPRS

Origins and literature of early Christian communities; historical investigations of the types of oral and written tradition in the New Testament.