Active Schools & Communities Lab at Arizona State University

Improving health and well-being through movement


The Active Schools & Communities lab group works to improve access to physical activity and integrate movement into our daily lives with a focus on neighborhoods and school settings.

 Our Projects

Sport and movement-based curricular and behavioral interventions to support children's physical, social, and emotional health before and after school.

Reimagining outdoor play & learning environments

We work with community partners and colleagues throughout ASU to reimagine outdoor play and learning to support children's health.

Research and tools related to physical activity policies and practices in schools, including physical education, recess, classrooms, before and after school, and school-community events. 

All children should have the opportunity to engage in meaningful physical activity and play. We work with community partners to improve inclusion and support accessible physical activity in schools.  

Improving the safety and prevalence of walking, biking, and rolling to school across Arizona and beyond.

Supporting schools and opportunities for movement in times of high heat.


Contact Dr. Poulos [] to get more information about our lab or any of our work.