ARCHIVE 2020-21

Week 16: Identity & Belonging, AAPI Heritage, Jewish American Heritage, Mental Health Awareness

Military Appreciation

1. List 5 things you can do to show gratitude to someone.

2. Have all students who have a family member or friend in the military.

3. Watch:

4. Visit A Million Thanks:

5. Show students how to navigate the site. They may drop letters off at the AHS office. Just say it is for Military Appreciation.

6. Give time for students to write a letter.

We All Know That...Or Do We?


Final Lesson: Reflect

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

Topic Choices:

  • How should parents handle a bad report card?

  • Do we give kids too many trophies and awards?

  • If you could shop for free at one store for life, what would it be? Why?

  • If you could dedicate your life to solving one problem, what would it be?

  • What’s the weirdest thing you did as a child?

  • How will school be different when we get back? What do you hope stays the same? What needs to change?


1. Make predictions. What is “ikigai”.

2. Watch (stop at 5.41):

3. Students use this link to identify their own ikigai:

4. Activities for more or less ikigai:

5. Discuss ikigai as a mindset. How is it challenging? How is it helpful?

6. Extension: “How-To Ikigai” TedTalk:

Mindfulness: 10 minutes Guided Gratitude

1. Use this link to access the audio lesson for gratitude and mindfulness.

2. Afterward, ask kids to scale their moods.

Neuroscience of Stress:

3 Brain Functions

(adapted from & Rick Hanson

1. Use this link & MAKE A COPY of the worksheet to guide your Advisory through.

2. Here is a link to the answer key:

3. Discuss examples from real life for each of the categories.

Celebrate The Savoy

1. Watch the story behind the Savoy Ballroom Google Doodle:

2. Here is an enthusiastic and fun example of dance that came from The Savoy, the Lindy Hop:

3. Play the game! Different levels get harder as you go.

Mindfulness: Many Ways

1. Start with checking in with a Mood Scale.

2. Offer 2 choices of mindfulness activities (or any of those earlier in the year).

(click screen to start):

3. End with the same Mood Scale and ask why there were or were not changes.

Try Something New

1. Make a list of 5 things you’ve never done that you want to do.

2. Share the lists and see what you have in common with others. What’s different and unique?

3. Watch:

4. Make a list of ideas of things people could try for 30 days.

5. Challenge each other to try something for 30 days. Offer a pledge for students to dedicate 30 days to the “new” action.

A Year of Reflection

1. All choose a word to summarize your last year.

2. Discuss why these words? Was it hard to choose one?

3. Watch how other teens reflect on the year:

4. Watch:

5. Each person draws their own year of ups and downs. See instructions & example here:

6. Reflect on the year...and discuss how to make the next year what you want. What can we learn from our ups AND downs?

Wikipedia Game

1. This is a game to be played online, but all at once.

2. The sharing between the rounds is when connection happens. Let them ask each other questions about their strategies and celebrate. Also, ask where people take “wrong turns”. See what is interesting.


  • Ask 1 student to each think of a topic they like to learn about. This is the START word.

  • Ask another to think of a place they have never been. This is the END word.

  • All students open Wikipedia.

  • All students search for the START word.

  • Once on the page, click on links embedded in the page that will lead you to other links that will eventually lead you to the END word.

  • When a student finishes, celebrate and reflect.

  • Try it again.

Week 15: Identity & Belonging, AAPI Heritage, Jewish American Heritage, Mental Health Awareness

Jewish American Heritage Month

1. Watch:

2. Watch & Study:

3. Take the Quiz:

4. List other Jewish American contributors to society.

Computer Tech

1. Ask: How many of you have looked up something on Google? How many of you have bought something online?

2. You need coding for these to work.

3. What is this? Watch this TedTalk:

Kindness Categories

Character Strong


Extension: Watch this video about KINDNESS and see what conversation it can spark. Perhaps analyze it with the lesson in mind.

Guided Dialogue

Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

Topic Choices:

  • Should privately owned companies be able to dictate who must wear a mask in their businesses?

  • What makes a person beautiful to you?

  • Do laws that ban offensive words make the world a better place?

Leadership. Do it.

1. Ask students what skills are needed for a good leader.

2. Watch TedTalk:

3. Who is running at AHS? Who should run for student government?

4. Remind students to look in their email for information about next year’s student government.

Mindfulness: Get Grounded

1. Share this slideshow with students in Google Classroom so they can each get their own copy and fill in the blanks.

2. You might want to play some mindful music in the background and give kids 5-7 minutes to complete the mindful activity.

Week 14: Identity & Belonging, AAPI Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness

Meet Willie Ito

1. Watch:

2. Play Character Blitz:

3. Watch a 2019 animated film by Taiko Studios, which “bridges eastern and western sensibilities.”

4. Discuss: How do eastern and western ideas work together in this film?

Mental Health Awareness

1. Slideshow Videos/Topics:

  • Stigma

  • Signs

  • Voices

  • Resources for Help


Kind & Nice

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

Topic Choices:

  • If you were given a 1 minute ad during the Super Bowl that you can’t sell, what would you fill that spot with?

  • Is a healthier school lunch program a lost cause?

  • What should be done - if anything - to stop cyberbullying?

Sign It

1. If a friend or family member were to become deaf, what would be the most useful words, phrases, and questions to learn? Make 3 columns with this brainstorming information.

2. American Sign Language is different from formal English in some ways. Watch:

3. What resonated from the video?

4. See this infographic and as an Advisory, title it.

5. Learn some sign language:

6. Share a sign with your Advisory and guess what they signed.

Mindfulness: Play Mindfully?


May 10-14, 2021

AAPI Heritage

1. What do these 3 pictures have in common:

2. Watch:

3. Link to quick challenge about the video:

4. Watch:

5. List other AAPI inspirers and their contributions.

Origin Stories


Character Reflection

Character Strong


1. Being our best selves sometimes means letting go of things.

2. Read what some are letting go of:

3. Click: Share a Story (top right) to add your own.

4. What things do we want to get rid of? Collage? Poem?

Guided Dialogue

Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

Topic Choices:

  • Is drug legalization a good idea?

  • Do fairy tales affect children’s perceptions of reality?

  • What did you think was cool when you were young, but isn’t cool now?

Telling Warrior Stories

1. Make a list of 10 qualities needed to be a warrior.

2. Watch:

3. Discuss: What was new? What was learned?

4. More. Watch:

5. How is hula for tourists different from traditional hula?

6. Learn some basic hula steps:

Mindfulness: Deepak Chopra “My Light Shines Bright”

1. What is one word that you would most want others to use to describe you?

2. 13 minute video w/ guided mindfulness:

3. Use a mood scale to intentionally ask how students feel after the meditation.

4. What is a special talent you have?

Week 12: Identity & Belonging, AAPI Heritage Month

Mary’s Room

1. Can all knowledge be something learned through explanation or description? What? Why?

2. Watch:

3.Together, list examples of QUALIA.

4. So, can we truly know everything if we can’t experience it?

Identity, Agency, & Belonging at School

1. Watch the intro video:

2. Ask: Who do you want to be? If this version of you were a superhero, what would that look like?

3. Visit this site to create a superhero avatar that celebrates what you want to look like (have fun with this) and who you want to be!



4. Share avatars.

5. Cut and paste avatars to create an Advisory group photo. Shared doc/slide or Jam Board.

Civil Discourse Intro.

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

Topic Choices:

  • Should schools have the right to hold students to certain behavior standards online, outside of school? (This is a current supreme court case.)

  • What words or phrases are overused or should go away?

  • Is cloning ethically acceptable?

“We Are the Children” by Grain of Sand


Mindfulness: Relax in 5 Minutes

1. Take a breath and learn about the technique by watching the video:

2. Now practice the technique as a group.

  • First remember the finger labels.


  • Grasp each finger for 1-2 minutes, until you feel a tingly sensation.

  • Press into the palm of the hand to calm the mind.

April 26-30: Identity & Belonging, Arab American Heritage Month

Just Ask

1. Ask students: What question do you get asked most by teachers?

2. Send students to answer 2 or more questions FROM EACH SECTION of the form. Let them know you will receive the answers. Make a copy of this form so you can share it with your students.

3. As students return, have them share the questions they like most, found hardest, easiest, etc.

4. Later, view the responses and respond.

Derived from:

Mind & Body

1. Discuss: Are you your mind or your body?

2. Watch:

3. Create a slide collage that reflects your mind AND body. Remind students to look for images that reflect themselves. Also, how can they do this in a positive way? See the example that includes feeling “trapped” and “disabled” for ideas.

Real Life Honesty

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Should students be barred from having cell phones in live classes?

  • Should students be paid for good grades and/or test scores?

  • In social media, which are more important to you, posts from celebrities or posts from friends? Why?

4. George Floyd’s murder, a guided dialogue slide show:

Earth Care Crossword

1. Students list what they know about Earth Day, April 22.

2. Watch:

3. This is a group activity you can do with your Advisory. There is also a link to a pdf to print it.

4. What will students do to celebrate Earth Day (on any day)?

Mindfulness: The Big Shrug

From Mindful Leader

“If you've ever been stuck in traffic and noticed you were gripping the steering wheel tight, or your shoulders were creeping up to your ears, you know what it's like to have your body react to stress...When our bodies react with tension, this signals our brains there is a reason to be stressed, which keeps our minds racing with worry and puts our brains on high alert.”

  1. Sit with feet flat on the floor and hands in your lap.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Focus on the muscles in your shoulders and neck, where many of us hold stress. Notice how they feel.

  4. Tighten your shoulders, bringing them as close to your ears as possible. Think of it as a big shrug.

  5. Hold this position while counting to five. As you count, notice the feeling in your shoulders.

  6. Relax and drop your shoulders as low as you can. Focus on how different your shoulders feel now.

  7. Repeat this five times.

“You will likely be surprised how relaxed your shoulders and neck feel after,” Dr. Byers says.

April 19-23

Just Ask

1. Ask students: What question do you get asked most by teachers?

2. Send students to answer 2 or more questions FROM EACH SECTION of the form. Let them know you will receive the answers. Make a copy of this form so you can share it with your students.

3. As students return, have them share the questions they like most, found hardest, easiest, etc.

4. Later, view the responses and respond.

Derived from:

Mind & Body

1. Discuss: Are you your mind or your body?

2. Watch:

3. Create a slide collage that reflects your mind AND body. Remind students to look for images that reflect themselves. Also, how can they do this in a positive way? See the example that includes feeling “trapped” and “disabled” for ideas.

Real Life Honesty

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Should students be barred from having cell phones in live classes?

  • Should students be paid for good grades and/or test scores?

  • In social media, which are more important to you, posts from celebrities or posts from friends? Why?

4. George Floyd’s murder, a guided dialogue slide show:

Earth Care Crossword

1. Students list what they know about Earth Day, April 22.

2. Watch:

3. This is a group activity you can do with your Advisory. There is also a link to a pdf to print it.

4. What will students do to celebrate Earth Day (on any day)?

Mindfulness: The Big Shrug

From Mindful Leader

“If you've ever been stuck in traffic and noticed you were gripping the steering wheel tight, or your shoulders were creeping up to your ears, you know what it's like to have your body react to stress...When our bodies react with tension, this signals our brains there is a reason to be stressed, which keeps our minds racing with worry and puts our brains on high alert.”

  1. Sit with feet flat on the floor and hands in your lap.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Focus on the muscles in your shoulders and neck, where many of us hold stress. Notice how they feel.

  4. Tighten your shoulders, bringing them as close to your ears as possible. Think of it as a big shrug.

  5. Hold this position while counting to five. As you count, notice the feeling in your shoulders.

  6. Relax and drop your shoulders as low as you can. Focus on how different your shoulders feel now.

  7. Repeat this five times.

“You will likely be surprised how relaxed your shoulders and neck feel after,” Dr. Byers says.

April 12-16

Beauty is...

1. Watch this clip from Avengers: Age of Ultron:

2. Discuss the statement, “A thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.”

3. Activity from Teaching Tolerance, Different Images of Beauty:

Autism Awareness Month

1. Answer & discuss: How would you respond to someone who says, “Wow! You are so amazingly normal!”

2. Watch Rosie King, TedTalk (7min) and try to learn one new thing from her:

3. In Chat, list your one new thing.

4. Use the list as a catalyst for discussion.

5. Discuss: How can a TedTalk like this be helpful for society?

Circles of Care

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Are web filters at school too restrictive? Useful? How?

  • Should the private lives of famous people be off limits?

  • Should business owners be able to require the Covid vaccine for clients or customers?

4. Strategies to organize the discussion:

Activities from Teachers

Flipgrid (text & video board)

Maysoon Zayid

1. Talk: We all have different cultures that represent. For example, I am a teacher, woman, white, hunter, singer...etc. What cultures are represented by you?

2. Meet Maysoon Zayid and watch her interview (6 min): OR full TedTalk (15 min):

3. What different cultures does Maysoon represent? What are the effects of her speaking out? Are people like her represented enough?

Mindfulness: Train Your Brain, a game

1. This is a remote way to play a game of focus. Students need scratch paper and something to write with.

2. Place an object in view for the students.

3. Take 2 minutes for students to write down a list of words all related to the object. (Example: if the object is a pen, then related words are; write, ink, paper, draw, sign, etc.)

4. Tell them, if your mind wanders, take a breath and come back to the task at hand.

5. Compare lists for fun.

6. Do this 4-6 times with different objects.

Ideas: stapler, chair, glasses, hand sanitizer, N95 mask, window, etc.

April 5-9

Arabic Calligraphy

1. Open the shared document & make a copy:

2. Have students change type their names in the font(s) they think are most artistic. Give 4 minutes to figure it out while playing Arabic music:

3. Watch to see story of calligraphy (3min):

4. Ask: What type of people would learn this art form? Anyone here?

5. Watch this about American artist,

Mohamed Zakariya (3min.):

6. Visit this site to see your name written in Arabic Calligraphy:


1. Ask/Discuss: Do you have a critical voice? What do you hear it saying to you?

2. Watch and look for things you recognize in your own lives:

3. Ask: What things stand out from the video? What might apply to you?

4. Watch for a strategy:

3. Discuss: How would the world look better if we practiced compassion more enthusiastically? Be specific. Think of examples.

Growth Mindset Application

Character Strong


Extension: Online stick puzzles.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Would you rather master every musical instrument or every language.

  • Should the drinking age be different in the US?

  • Should the government limit the size of sugary drinks?

4. Strategies to organize the discussion:

Activities from Teachers. tt.s://

Flipgrid (text & video board)

Arab American Heritage Month: (April)

1. Start with a whiteboard drawing jam to music:

2. Share drawings.

3. Google slides:

  • Students predict which countries are Arab.

  • See the answers.

  • Identify Arab Americans named - or unnamed.

  • Google search those on the first slide to identify their contributions. Who do you recognize? Who is missing?

  • Use the Syrian music video for background music.

Mindfulness: A Guided Imagery Meditation

1. Think About: What are things you’ve imagined recently? Are they connected to any emotions? Positive or negative?

2. Ask: What happens to us when we imagine things intentionally?

3. Read:,relaxing%20image%2C%20our%20bodies%20relax.

4. Get comfortable and try one: (starts at 20 seconds).

5. Mood check. How do you feel after that?

Week 8: Identity & Belonging, Women’s History Month

Harriet Tubman: $20 & Women’s History

1. Students share in chat: Describe a time when you took risks to help someone? Or someone took a risk to help you?

2. Meet Harriet Tubman:

3. She will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill as an American icon. This is for her accomplishments and what she overcame. List those things as a group.

4. Discuss: Imagine they invent a $30 bill. Who should the next female icon be for our national money?

5. Alternate video:

March Madness

1. The NCAA College Basketball Tournament will be underway, with the Elite Eight playing Monday, 3/29.

2. As a class, predict the final spots in the tournaments. Use these links to track the games:

Mens Bracket:

Womens Bracket:

3. Read this article about 10 other versions of the bracket:

4. Choose one other method (or many) to determine your winners in the bracket(s).

5. Extension: Create your own bracket at:

TO-BE Lists

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Which is more important, talent or hard work?

  • How young is too young to date? Or is dating a thing of the past?

  • Are school dress codes a good idea?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

Discover Your Strengths & Talents

Greater Good Science Center


Mindful Movement

1. Ask, “What things do you do everyday while standing?”

2. Watch TED Talk


Learn some basic Qigong with Mindful Schools so you can lead your students.

4. Enjoy and follow these 10 mindful movements you can do standing OR sitting!

5. Check in. How do you feel after trying those? Mood Scales or 1-5 scale.

Week 7: Identity & Belonging, Women’s History Month

Some Famous Women Song & Search

1. Share the Matching Doc with students:

2. Watch Kid President’s song and students try to match what they can from the quick visuals in the video:

3. Take 10 minutes to look up the women and finish the matches (individually or in a group).

4. 10 Minute Timer:

Where Would You Go Today?

1. Students open Google Earth.

Show how to navigate it so they can zoom in and out to see details.

2. Students choose a place that intrigues them because of what they see from above. (5 minutes)

3. Students type the places in Chat.

4. Present Google Earth and show each place while students share what drew them to that spot - using mics.

5. Mr. Cain’s Instruction Slides:

Real Life Kindness: Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Standardized Tests: Pros & Cons. During the pandemic?

  • Should circuses be animal free?

  • Does social media need a ‘dislike’ button?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

Women’s History Month

1. Students list famous women they have learned about in school.

2. Watch “History of Women’s History Month”:

3. Watch “The why of Women’s History Month”:

4. Search and share: Students visit

5. Pick a topic, then choose an historical woman.

6. Use the information from the website to make an Advisory Slideshow for your class.

7. Share.

Mindful Drawing

1. Open a Whiteboard in Google Meets and make a screen for each student. Click the right arrow at the top to add a new page. Label each page with student names.

2. Students will listen to the song and simply draw or doodle what the music inspires. The only rule is to draw until the song is done.

3. Try 2-3 different songs (reset Whiteboards for each song):

4. Share each other’s drawings.

Week 7: Identity & Belonging, Women’s History Month

Some Famous Women

Song & Search

1. Share the Matching Doc with students:

2. Watch Kid President’s song and students try to match what they can from the quick visuals in the video:

3. Take 10 minutes to look up the women and finish the matches (individually or in a group).

4. 10 Minute Timer:

Where Would You Go Today?

1. Students open Google Earth.

Show how to navigate it so they can zoom in and out to see details.

2. Students choose a place that intrigues them because of what they see from above. (5 minutes)

3. Students type the places in Chat.

4. Present Google Earth and show each place while students share what drew them to that spot - using mics.

5. Mr. Cain’s Instruction Slides:

Real Life Kindness

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Standardized Tests: Pros & Cons. During the pandemic?

  • Should circuses be animal free?

  • Does social media need a ‘dislike’ button?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

Women’s History Month

1. Students list famous women they have learned about in school.

2. Watch “History of Women’s History Month”:

3. Watch “The why of Women’s History Month”:

4. Search and share: Students visit

5. Pick a topic, then choose an historical woman.

6. Use the information from the website to make an Advisory Slideshow for your class.

7. Share.

Mindful Drawing

1. Open a Whiteboard in Google Meets and make a screen for each student. Click the right arrow at the top to add a new page. Label each page with student names.

2. Students will listen to the song and simply draw or doodle what the music inspires. The only rule is to draw until the song is done.

3. Try 2-3 different songs (reset Whiteboards for each song):

4. Share each other’s drawings.

Week 4: Identity & Belonging & Hybrid Safety

Bill Nye & Mask Math

1. Prediction Grid:

2. Watch Bill Nye:

3. Discuss: What predictions were correct? Which were wrong?

4. Watch the Math of Masks:

5. Discuss: How do you explain the math of masks to people who don’t understand it?

6. Review ASD slides for masks:

7. Extension: The interactive essay:

Coping With Bread

1. Ask: Who has made bread since the pandemic started? Why do you think people are baking?

2. Watch:

3. Watch:

4. Give students the link to sign up for the ChallahBake.

5. Ask, who will try it? Take pictures or video and share! Make a TikTok.

Habit Development

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them. Topic Choices:

  • Should students be able to grade their teachers?

  • What current musicians will stand the test of time?

  • Should healthcare be funded by the government for all citizens - whether they work or not?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

Classified Appreciation

1. Ask students for employees at AHS who are NOT certified teachers. Share the term “classified”.

2. Make a copy of the skeletal slide show for Classified Week:

3. Share this with Advisory students. Ask them to add to the slides for each employee. Remind them that most of us never see kids so any words are encouraging!

4. Email slides to Jenni by Wednesday so they can be combined to create a Classified slideshow for the school.

Mindfulness; Puzzle Play

1. Work as a group (or give kids the link for individual play) to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

2. Choose a puzzle.

3. Choose # of pieces.

4. Send an invite to Students to work together.

5. Enjoy!

February 22-26 Black History, Identity & Belonging

Black Inventors -- & Their Inventions

1. Ask if students have any items around that are invented by Black Americans? How do they know?

2. Give students their own copies of:

3. Visit:

4. Students fill in the 6-Pack as they research.

5. Share things students learned.

“Lift Every Voice & Sing”

1. Play the song and ask students to type one memorable phrase from the lyrics in Chat:

2. Watch to learn the story of the song:

3. Send students to James Weldon Johnson Foundation and

have them listen & choose the best rendition of the song.

Personality v. Character

Character Strong


Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • In-person learning, hybrid, remote...pros and cons at this time.

  • When do you become an adult?

  • Can graffiti ever be considered art?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.


An Afro-Latinx Beat

1. Who are famous Afro-Latinx Americans you know?

2. Watch ESPN short:

3. How was music presented in the video? Meet Bomba Con Buya (start at 20 seconds):

4. Here is a performance from Bomba Con Buya. Try this: Choose a body part to move with the music, your own chair dance!

5. Discuss: What is the mood of the song? Of the music genre?


1. On a 1-5 scale, how calm do you feel now? (1=not at all, 5=very calm)

2. What do you suggest to friends who struggle with depression?

3. Watch:

4. Try this 4 minute mindfulness meditation for happiness:

5. On a 1-5 scale, how calm do you feel now? (1=not at all, 5=very calm)

Week 3: Lunar New Year, Black History, Identity & Belonging

Chinese Zodiac

1. Predict: What is the order these animals would win a race? And why? DOG, DRAGON, HORSE, MONKEY, OX, PIG, ROOSTER, RABBIT, RAT, SNAKE, SHEEP, TIGER.

2. Watch to learn the calendar story:

3. Visit the Chinese Zodiac Calculator:

4. Scroll down and see who you are best matched with for love, lucky numbers/colors, and personality traits.

5. Share.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

1. MAKE A COPY of this slideshow to share with whole class:

2. As a group, use detective skills to match the titles to the artwork.

3. Change Font Color to see answers on Slide 2.

4. Watch Basquiat’s family speaks about him:

5. Discuss his art and influence. What themes appear in his art? What things from his life do you see in the pieces?

6. Extension: Watch Ted Ed video - mentions death due to heroin overdose.

Lunar New Year

1. History:

2. Broader view:

3. Meet Wowy, a famous Vietnamese rapper (maybe open with this as students arrive):

4. Here are the lyrics in Vietnamese and English:

5. Here is a video Wowy made with the US Ambassador for Lunar New Year:

6. Exit: List one thing you learned about the Lunar New Year and celebrations around the world.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Are violent video games appropriate for teens?

  • Death penalty? Abolish or no?

  • Is it necessary for political leaders to be active on social media?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

Still I Rise

1. Discuss: Do words matter? Can words be as harmful as actions?

2. Introduce Maya Angelou, a famous American poet and author.

3. Watch clip “The Power of Words” at PBSLearning.

4. Share Angelou’s poem audio:

Here is the text:

6. Shakur has a song (not appropriate for school) called “Still I Rise”. Watch this short bio of Shakur:

How might Angelou’s poem and Shakur’s song overlap, based on what we learned about both.


1. On a 1-5 scale, how calm do you feel now? (1=not at all, 5=very calm)

2. Students list famous people who use mindfulness.

3. Watch:

4. Try this 3 minute mindfulness meditation for clarity:

5. On a 1-5 scale, how calm do you feel now? (1=not at all, 5=very calm)

February 8-12

FRIDAY: Skribbl Bracket Tourney

1. Sign up with Jenni by 4pm on Wednesday to be seeded in the Skribbl Tournament.

2. Visit:



  • 2 ROUNDS


4. Tournament rounds will be sent out on Thursday.

5. Choose up to 5 students to represent your Advisory in the tournament. Students who don’t compete will view the competition through their Advisory Meets link.

Social Dance: Black History Month

1. Discuss: Who dances? Do you know who invented a lot of dance moves?

2. Watch:

3. What is step? Watch:

4. Extension: 3 levels.

All try the first routine. Learn some! Share.

Intro. to Black History Month

1. Use Google Doc to predict the most searched people of 2019:

2.Watch to introduce the month:

3. Ask students to list important Black Americans in history.

4. Discuss: Who is one Black American you learned about in school? Why is it important to include Black Americans in US History?

5. Watch:

6. Discuss who showed up in the video clip and why. Search and discuss these leaders with the group.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Should zoos be banned?

  • Mandatory vaccinations? Constitutional?

  • Is democracy the best form of government?

4. Extension: Use to organize the discussion.

100 Influential Black Americans

1. List all the Black Americans your class can.

2. Explore! Send students to

3. Students choose an influential Black American from 2020 and create a Facebook profile:

5. Share slides in Advisory.

6. Teachers: Collect and email finished slides to Jenni to be part of an AHS Black History slideshow.


1. Discuss and list on a shared document: On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your level of loneliness?

2. Watch:

3. Try the following guided mindful sit by repeating the phrases in this video:

4. What is one thing you could try to do to decrease your loneliness?

February 2-5

Pictionary Playtime!

1. What is this drawing:

2. Advisors can practice this week and may choose to enter the Skribbl Tournament. Email Jenni if your advisory would like to participate.

3. Visit:

4. Choose “Create Private Room” or play against anonymous people around the world. Competitive Advisories should practice and can await the tournament bracket. (Advisors should connect to share the invite link.)

Character Strength

1. Ask: What is a strength you have?

2. Share:

3. Go over the first page. Have students identify three strengths they have on the chart. Share strengths in a Waterfall chat format.

4. Choose 1 trait you’d like to strengthen. Share if desired.

5. Read the second page. Students write their re-purposed strengths on scratch paper. Share if desired.

6. Extension: Strength Word Cloud, Slide Collages, Haikus, Memes, etc.

New Semester Schedule

1. Ask students what new classes people are taking? This is the first semester shift in remote learning, so many do not change and this is odd. Normalize it.

2. Post the Class Schedule Template in Google Classroom:

3. Students take time to fill it out. You can check on them as they go if this is in Google Classroom.

4. Have students open their Google Calendars to edit the extra things they may not need. They can close other calendars. This is still new to some.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • AI (artificial intelligence) Cars? Good or bad? What will the future look like?

  • Is history important for students to learn? Why or why not?

  • Year-round school (A rotations of 60 days school, 20 days vacation), pros and cons?

The Hill We Climb

(Pointed Reading)

1. Share the poem with students-so they have their own files:

2. Play Amanda Gorman reading the poem while students follow along:

3. Read the poem a 2nd time. Students highlight about 5 words, phrases, or sentences that seem most important TO THEM. Ideas?

  • Image

  • Sound/Rhythm

  • Meaning

  • Other?

4. Read the poem a 3rd time. Ask students to “raise hands” when something they underlined comes up. On a copy of the poem, increase the font size 2x for every word/section a student highlights. Some will be bigger than others.

5. Read the poem again (or a student can) and add volume to the larger parts.

6. Discuss: Why did we choose these parts of the poem?

Mindfulness: Sprinkle Watch

1. Set up video and choose your length of time beforehand (or decide with students):

2. Have students focus on the video and take a deep breath.

3. Tell them that they will be watching some satisfying sprinkles. The GOAL is to relax the mind and just notice (be present with) the video. If something wanders in their mind, tell them to take a breath and restart.

4. If students feel totally disengaged, ask them to “raise a hand” in Meets. If all students do that, it’s a sign to move on. Or give a notice it is about to end.

5. Ask how that experience felt.

January 25-29

The Adolescent Brain

1. As a group, list all the words that people often use to describe the adolescent brain.

2. Reflect on the list. What is fair? Unfair? Why do these things make it on the list?

3. Watch, Dan Siegel:

4. What things can you do to increase your brain’s integration?

5. We just learned a lot about the teenage brain. What would you tell adults to help understand the teen brain better?

6. Students make a MEME or a class WORD CLOUD about the teen brain. Then share.

7. Email the best meme from your advisory to be posted on the Advisory Stage Webpage. Topic/Theme: The Teenage Brain

8. Extension: Read the article “7 Things to Know About the Teenage Brain”.

Dear Stranger

1. Discuss: What does it feel like to receive a written letter in the mail?

2. Listen to Weekend Edition (ore read the article) on NPR. What letters stand out to you? Why?

3. Visit Oregon Humanities Dear Stranger Project to participate:

4. See who will participate. Students who need printing or postage can request it. We’ll figure it out…MARCH 1 deadline.

5. Ask for students to share what they learn from received letters.

Git ‘er done! A To-Do List

1. Brainstorm. Use this document to collect a list of all assignments left to complete for the entire semester:

2. Watch:

3. Discuss: What method(s) would work best for completing end-of-semester assignments. Why?

4. Try This: Create 3 categories - BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL

5. Extension - Origami Method (random order):

Watch video and see if this is a strategy anyone would like to try.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Should we ban homework? Does homework promote learning?

  • Is parental supervision the same as parental control?

  • Day-dreaming versus dreaming at night? Which is better?

The Purge

Help students start the new semester with a cleaned-up workspace. Here are videos to guide them:

1. Simple Email Purge:

2. Advanced Email:

3. Simple Google Calendar & Classroom:

4. Advanced Calendar:

5. Managing Google Classroom notifications:

6. Give students time to do this. Time is often what we all need!

Mindfulness: Dance For Kindness

1. Watch Kindness Boomerang video:

2. What was the theme of this video? How did the song match the video?

3. The producer of that video ^^ started Dance For Kindness. Watch the video and think, how does this event relate to kindness & mindfulness?

2. Ask who would ever do this?

3. Watch invitation to new monthly dance party (0.00-2.00 min):

4. Register for the Dance Party:

January 18-22

2nd Semester Forecasting

1. Grades 9-11 received emails about choosing classes for 2nd Semester.

2. Send students to that email or use this link:

Here is the link to the curriculum guide if students need it: Second Semester Curriculum Guide

3. Play some music from a Civil Rights march with MLK, Jr. to honor him and recognize Monday’s day off:

4. If Seniors need to change their schedules, contact Beth, Andrew, or Amber.

Honoring MLK, Jr

A Monday to Make Noise

1. Ask students how to honor someone like MLK, Jr. Do days-off work?

3. Watch this video Kid President:

4. Discuss: What would MLK, Jr. say today?

5. MLK, Jr. said to speak up, to not stay silent. Why is this hard?

6. Watch the TedTalk/Poem: “The Danger of Silence”:

7. What are things we should not be silent about if we want to make changes like those of MLK, Jr.?

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Can people save nature using technology? Or destroy it?

  • Addiction: Help or Punishment? Why?

  • How would lowering the voting age change America?

The Power of When -

A Chronotype Quiz

1. Who recalls their chronotype from last week?

2. Show the 1st video that explains chronotype in greater detail:

3. Give students the link to take the quiz below the video (ad for book):

Or the MEQ Survey (no ads).

4. At the end it gives a label and advice. Students will also receive an email with hints for their chronotype: LION DOLPHIN BEAR WOLF

5. Share different types and hints.

6. Who wishes they were a different chronotype? Why or why not?

Team Storytelling

1. Here is the link to Mrs. Cain's activity:

Thanks for sharing, Lee!


1. Ask students to type and be ready to post at once (waterfall response): When was the last time you spent 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing. No eating, watching, reading, listening, etc. Why should we? Why don’t we?

2. Watch TedTalk, Andy Puddicombe:

3. Ask for thoughts and reflections.

4. Try this short meditation from Headspace:

5. Ask students how they feel, thumbs up, down, or in the middle.

January 11-15

A Year in Reflection

1. Discuss: What is something you learned from being challenged?

2. List: What are challenges you’ve had in the past year?

3. Watch this video:

4. Make one for your own Advisory. Use Screencastify or have students do it in writing and collect answers in a table. (Like American Portrait from last week.)

5. Extension: Create word clouds of the challenges and lessons learned.

6. Extension: Here is another video with a similar concept:

What’s your theme?

1. Discuss: What are standard New Years’ Resolutions? What are the pros and cons of resolutions?

2. Watch this video about a New Years’ Theme:

3. Create a slide collage of images that reflect themes for the year.

4. Individual students create their own collage slides with several images related to the theme.

5. Email slides that students want to share on the webpage.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Banning plastics - like bags and straws.

  • Should college education be free? Pros and cons?

  • Should vaccines be mandatory?

Sleep & School Start Times

(from PBS Learning)

1. Discuss: How early do you wake up to make it to school on time? How does getting up at this time affect the rest of your day?

2. Watch first and test your knowledge:

Stop the video at 1:36 and ask: Do you think the fact that 87% of students don’t get enough sleep is a serious problem? Why or why not?

Stop at 1:56: Why is getting enough sleep important for your health and mood?

Stop at 3:48: How do you figure out your chronotype? What is your chronotype?

Stop at 4:47: What evidence supports schools starting later than 8:30am?

Stop at the end: What is an example of why school should NOT start later than 8:30am?

3. As a group, compare and contrast the starting before 830am and after. Use this link: Venn Diagram to fill in with students.

Operatic Observations

1. Listen: (11.45-13.30) and watch one audition, a 13 year old girl:

2. Discuss: What could this song be about? What emotion(s) arise>?

3. Watch Tedx Talk starting at 7.15.: (second half)

4. If opera is about emotion, what would an opera about your emotional life be called? What would the plot be? Characters?

5. Make your own opera! Visit this site, Blob Opera:

6. Share your compositions!


1. Take a moment to get comfortable and take a breath.

2. Follow instruction in the video to practice awareness.

3. Use this slide to ask how students feel after the practice. Use it as a prompt or in Pear Deck as a draggable interaction.

January 4-8

Schools & Social Capital:

1. Discuss: What are things we learn at school that aren’t graded?

2. Watch this and look for examples of “social capital” students should get from AHS.

3. Discuss: How can we provide social capital in remote learning? When we are back in-person? Should social capital be graded or scored?

4. Personal Reflection: Who are connections you have that can support you in different areas of your life? What specific experiences have you had or seen that taught you about social capital? (Or gave you social capital?)

Advisory Winter Challenge

1.Enter your advisory in a special winter challenge.

2. See the document below

3. Each advisory has through January to complete a Winter Challenge Photo Slide. (See linked example.)

4. All Advisories who submit a slide will receive a gift.

5. Plan with your students who will do what & when.

6. Check in with students throughout the season.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Does the traditional classroom address contemporary society’s needs?

  • Is allowing teachers to carry guns on campuses a good idea?

A Tribute to Elders

1. Discuss: What do you think when you encounter elderly people?

2. Watch video:

3. Discuss: What is something important you learned from someone over 65 years old?

4. Watch video:

5. Make a video:

6. Who are elderly people you are grateful for? Why?

7. Extension: 4 years later video -

My Social Capital

1. Discuss: Do you have more online social connections or offline? Today, separate those you know ONLY online and those you know offline as well.

2. Read the article about social capital and take the quiz at the end.

3. Discuss: How did you score? What suggestions did you get to increase your own social capital?

4. As a class, set goals for people to try. Example: In the next week, learn something about people in your neighborhood or town. Not gossip, useful things.

Mindfulness & Memory:

1. Start with a mindful minute:

2. Visit this site to use memory as a mindful tool. Which can improve one’s memory. Play as a group or share the link for individual play.

December 14-18

Schools & Social Capital:

1. Discuss: What are things we learn at school that aren’t graded?

2. Watch this and look for examples of “social capital” students should get from AHS.

3. Discuss: How can we provide social capital in remote learning? When we are back in-person? Should social capital be graded or scored?

4. Personal Reflection: Who are connections you have that can support you in different areas of your life? What specific experiences have you had or seen that taught you about social capital? (Or gave you social capital?)

Advisory Winter Challenge

1.Enter your advisory in a special winter challenge.

2. See the document below

3. Each advisory has through January to complete a Winter Challenge Photo Slide. (See linked example.)

4. All Advisories who submit a slide will receive a gift.

5. Plan with your students who will do what & when.

6. Check in with students throughout the season.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

Topic Choices:

  • Does the traditional classroom address contemporary society’s needs?

  • Is allowing teachers to carry guns on campuses a good idea?

A Tribute to Elders

1. Discuss: What do you think when you encounter elderly people?

2. Watch video:

3. Discuss: What is something important you learned from someone over 65 years old?

4. Watch video:

5. Make a video:

6. Who are elderly people you are grateful for? Why?

7. Extension: 4 years later video -

My Social Capital

1. Discuss: Do you have more online social connections or offline? Today, separate those you know ONLY online and those you know offline as well.

2. Read the article about social capital and take the quiz at the end.

3. Discuss: How did you score? What suggestions did you get to increase your own social capital?

4. As a class, set goals for people to try. Example: In the next week, learn something about people in your neighborhood or town. Not gossip, useful things.

Mindfulness & Memory:

1. Start with a mindful minute:

2. Visit this site to use memory as a mindful tool. Which can improve one’s memory. Play as a group or share the link for individual play.

TED Talk: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

1. Discuss. What things have you put off? Procrastinated about?

2. Watch Ted Talk:

3. Discuss. What are examples from your lives of the Instant Gratification Monkey? What are some long-term versus short-term deadlines students have? What things would you recommend to a friend to decrease their procrastination? Could you do any of the suggestions?

4. Extension: Use the Guided Dialogue slide to help navigate discussion.

Happiness Calendar

1. Share things that make us happy.

2. What is the difference between happiness and pleasure?

3. Watch the video: What is happiness?

4. Visit the Happiness Calendar for December in the link.

5. Choose a day that you will do what the calendar notes. Share.

6. Download the calendar for an article a day.

7. Extension: Create a collage - or word clouds - of “Happiness/Joy’’ vs. “Pleasure”.

Guided Dialogue

1. Choose one of the topics to discuss in your Advisory.

2. Use the Guided Dialogue slide and MAKE A COPY for the teacher.

3. Move the sentence stems over the line as people use them.

4. Emphasize fluid discussion, but tools for communicating.

5. Each time you complete this task, send an email to Jenni to be part of the Advisory Talk Raffle.

6. 2 Raffle Levels:

  • Verbose

  • Quiet

Topic Choices:

  • Many students are not passing classes. Is this a problem? If it’s a problem then how do we fix it?

  • On a scale of 1-10, how is your week going? What could people do to increase ratings at least one number?

Mirror Tracing

1. Sometimes mindfulness is movement. What are some things that use movement AND require you pay attention simultaneously?

2. Visit this site:

3. Try tracing the square first.

4. It will have you trace the square a second time, BUT IN A MIRRORED FORMAT. Try it.

5. Try other shapes.

6. See the gallery.

7. Discuss: What made that harder? What things did people do to get better at it?

Student Survey: Advisory Feedback

1. Start with a discussion about how this year is going overall.

2. Shift to Advisory specifically and ask about the goal of providing consistent time to engage in smaller groups. Identity, belonging?

3. Teachers: Email a list of topics to Jenni.

4. Students take the survey:

5. Discuss topics inspired by the survey. Add any notes to the email.

Thank you!

Mindful: Pick a Mantra

1. Choose a statement below:

  • I am strong

  • I am content

  • I am awake

  • I am peaceful

2. Do nothing for 2 minutes.

  • Tell them to repeat the phrase over and over (out loud or silently) while following the instructions on the website. Come back when finished.

3. Discuss: What was hard? What worked?

November 23-December 4

For Fun: Cat Sounds

1. What cat do you feel like today? Roaring lion? Playful kitten? Stealthy puma?

2. Visit Cat Soundboard:

3. Play the sounds and choose the cat sound that describes your mood today/this week/etc.

4. Take turns sharing: Pass the Mic.

Finish the Animated Shorts Marathon

1. Many Advisories have requested time to finish the shorts.

2. The Trivia Competition will be emailed on Monday, 11/23 and completed before Fall Break.

3. This is not required.

4. Prizes for the winning Advisory.

5. Email your FINAL SCORE to Jenni.

Anxiety: Fight, Flight, Freeze & Relaxation Exercise

1. What things make us anxious? Play video:

2. Discuss why and when people just stop and listen to the quiet.

3. Try this practice exercise:

4. Click SEE WHY and use the spacebar to get through the prompts.

5. What was that like?

6. Should you bookmark this page to use it as a tool?

Stop. Look. Go.

1. Stop. Quick. What is one thing you see that you appreciate?

2. Watch the video:

3. How is appreciating the present moment different from other gratitudes?

Extension: Try it!

Extension: Brother Steindl-Rast Ted Talk:

Gratitude 4 Block Journal

1. Use the template at this link and Make a Copy. (Add to Google Classroom).

2. Fill out the slide for Day 1 of your Gratitude 4 Block Journal.

3. Pass the Mic...Share what is one thing you can add to your slide today?

Extension: Gratitude Strategy Article:

Gratitude Word Cloud

1. Ask students to list as many things they are grateful for in 5 minutes. You may want to do this in a Google Form.

2. Timer:

3. Open

4. Click on WIZARD.

5.Type or Paste the list of items in the box.

6. Use the tools at the top to design your Word Cloud of Gratitude.

7. Share it with Jenni if you want it on the Advisory website.

Science of Happiness: Gratitude

1. List in Chat: Who is someone that is very important to you, in your life?

2. Watch:

3. Discuss: Who would you call? What would you say?

4. Challenge each other to try it!

Gratitude ABCs

1. Use the template at this link and Make a Copy. (Add to Google Classroom).

2. Play the calming music “Autumn Equinox” by K. Mockingbird, a Grammy nominee for Best Native American Album, 2003.

3. Roll an alphabet die to see what people could share:

Advisory Field Trips

1. Play ambient museum music and take your Advisory to visit the Advisory Stage Webpage and AHS Art Gallery.

2. When you return to Advisory, discuss positive reviews. What makes art interesting? What inspires artists?

November 16-20

10 Animated Shorts

1. What makes you want to see an animated movie?

2. This week is movie week! Divide the films to see during Advisory this week.

3. Assign the roles in the slideshow and share the Study Guide with the “Ticket Taker”.

4. Which shorts intrigued you? Why? What ones are awesome for all kids to see? Why?

Things to look for:

  • Message / Theme

  • Plot / Storyline

  • Characters

  • Conflict

  • Music

  • Style (story & animation)

Suggested Pairings for Timing Equity:

  • Hair Love & Piper

  • Zero & Oktapodi

  • Kiwi & French Roast

  • Lifted & La Luna

  • Alma & Partly Cloudy

Nov. 9-13 (recycled activity week)

Write an Original Advisory Rap! Video: What’s Poppin’

1. Watch the video. It has 2 verses (link in title above).

2. Repeat the first 2 lines of the rap. As a group, replace the words to make the rap about your own advisory teacher.

3. Now, write a whole song or rap for your advisory teacher. Film this and share it with Jenni to add to our Advisory Stage webpage.

Happiness Calendar

1. Share things that make us happy.

2. Visit the Happiness Calendar for November in the link.

3. Show how each day’s challenge also has an article with it.

4. It can be added to a Google Calendar if anyone wants it. (Adds one item at the start of each day,)

5. Extension: Collect photos from your Advisory of people doing the challenges. Arrange them to share.

What am I grateful for?

1. Ask, what are people grateful for?

2. Watch the video:

3. Discuss:

  • Who are we grateful for?

  • What tangible things are you grateful for?

  • What intangible things are you grateful for?

4. Each student starts a Gratitude Journal. Create 3 columns:

  • Who

  • Tangible

  • Intangible

5. Add things to the list each day. See how this feels.

Pick a Station!

1. Ask what type of music best represents your mood today? Why?

2. Share the website:

3. Show how to change

  • Location

  • Decade

  • Slow/Fast/Weird

4. Students search for a country and decade they have never been to that has music they could jam to.

5. Share with each other. Why do we like certain music? How does music change over time and locale?

Camo Day Comp Continued!

Visit this site:

1. The goal is to click on the little triangle (the moth) wherever it may be. This will take 1-2 minutes and will give you a score at the end.

4. Who in your advisory has the best score?

5. Send a photo of the best stats to Jenni and be featured on the AHS Advisory Webpage.

6. Extension: Discuss what is it like to be part of a research experiment?What made finding the ”moth” harder or easier?

Mindful: Box Breathing

1. Box breathing is a mindfulness technique used around the world.

2. Choose a video for you and your students.

3. Students practice along with the video.

The Cute Video (3min)

The Navy Seal Video (5min)

November 2-6

Mindful: Breath Routine

(from Curriculum)

1. Lead this routine. If you feel the group calming you may want to repeat it.


Exhale Ahhhh

  • Inhale thru nose

  • Exhale “ahhh” whisper

  • Close mouth

  • Inhale thru nose

  • Exhale whisper thru nose

  • Repeat 2-3x

Fogging the Mirror

  • Continue breathing

  • Now exhale like you are fogging up a mirror thru your mouth

  • Continue breathing but shift exhale to fogging up a mirror thru your nose

Ocean Breath

  • Press hands to ears

  • Concentrate on breath sound

  • Practice until you can hear your soft sound breaths

  • Release facial tension

2. Reflect

  • How did you feel before we did these? After?

  • What parts of the brain were involved?

Questions to De-Stress During the Election

1. Read the article excerpts:

2.Use the questions as discussion guides. Use Chat, Breakout Rooms, or Mics.

  • What’s happening in my body and mind today?

  • If I’m feeling distress, what can I do to soothe myself?

  • Am I getting enough good news?

  • When do I feel good about the election?

  • What am I grateful for today?

  • How can I connect with other people?

  • In light of this election, what are some new ways I can use my special skills or talents to make a difference in the broader world?

  • What future would I like to see—and what steps am I taking today to make that future happen?

What am I grateful for?

1. Ask, what are people grateful for?

2. Watch the video:

3. Discuss:

  • Who are we grateful for?

  • What tangible things are you grateful for?

  • What intangible things are you grateful for?

4. Each student starts a Gratitude Journal. Create 3 columns:

  • Who

  • Tangible

  • Intangible

5. Add things to the list each day. See how this feels.

Neuroscience of Stress

(from Curriculum)

1. Watch the overview video. Click on the button at this site:

2. Introduce that we will examine how our brains are impacted by stress and what we can do about it.

3. Watch: 3 Parts of the Brain

4. Make the hand-brain. Practice, “Flip the lid…”

How Stressed Are You?

1. Ask, “On a 1-10 scale, how stressed are you right now?”

2. This week? Semester?

3. Discuss what the group does to manage stress.

4. Read the article, take the survey, and choose one suggestion to share.

5. What strategies might people try?

6. Extension: Share any that worked.

MONDAY: Power of Zeroes

1. Share this video of math story problems. While you watch, see how it connects to you.

2. Share this Google Doc in Google Classroom-make a copy for each student. MAKE A COPY.

3. TURN IN your document.

4. Make a copy for yourself or take a picture.

October 26-30


Videos: How To Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes & Sleep Story of Wonder

1. What things challenge your sleep?

2. Watch this video for sleeping pointers!

3. What things are helpful in falling asleep according to the video?

4. What things will you try?

5. Visit this site:

6. Read and discuss the history of pajamas.

7. Extension: There isn’t time to finish it in one Advisory, but here is a link to a grown-up sleep story:

You could email this link to students!


VIDEO: Evolution of Dance

1. Watch the video:

2. TEACHERS ONLY. Visit this link:

3. Click Start.

4. Ask Students for answers; this is a TEAM activity. Teachers click on their choices.

5. When you are finished, email these PERFORMANCE STATS to Jenni in order to be competitive.

6. The winning Advisory will be announced by Friday. In the case of a tie, the best average streak will determine the winner.


1. Watch this video about the Physics of Fencing:

2. 2nd Video: Fencing Visualized

3. Discuss: What Olympic Sport would you most like to play? What sport best suits you?

4. Take the survey at this site:

5. When you get to the end, your job is to find an image/photo that represents you competing in this event.

6. Each Advisory will join the Olympics. Share YOUR TEAM on a Google Slide for our AHS Olympic Team. What is your name? What types of athletes does your Advisory feature. Have fun with this.

7. Share slides with Jenni for the Olympic Parade coming up on the Advisory Stage Webpage.

8. Extension: How Playing Sports Benefits… TEDx Talk.


Visit this site:

1. Read the explanation about camouflage.

2. Click on the Dazzle Bug link.

3. The goal is to click on the little rectangle (the bug) wherever it may be. This will take 1-2 minutes and will give you a score at the end.

4. Who in your advisory has the best score?

5. Send the best score to Jenni for a Spirit Week competition.

6. Extension: Discuss what is it like to be part of a research experiment?What made finding the ”bug” harder or easier?



1. Pair up with another Advisory.

2. Plan a shared Google Meets for Advisory.

3. Use the whiteboard to keep score and have a livestream MC for each class.

4. Use the questions here:

5. Students shout out answers to win a point for their team.

Mindful: Breathing Bubble

1. Everyone take a deep breath.

2. Do it again and let your eyes close as you exhale. If you don’t like closing your eyes, let your gaze focus on your knees or the floor in front of you.

3. As the video begins, open your eyes and shift your breathing to match the bubble.

4. Watch the video.

5. When it ends, take one more big breath and let it out slowly.

6. How do you feel?

October 19-23

Video: How to Write a Professional Email

1. Ask about emails students have received. What makes them useful? Overwhelming?

2. Watch video:

3. Reflect on the tone and structure of good email.

4. Have each student email you one solid and professional message.

5. Extension: As an advisory, re-craft these emails so they are professional. Any good ones? Share with Jenni for the Advisory Stage Webpage.

My School Schedule

1. Open the spreadsheet above.

2. MAKE A COPY to share with Advisees.

3. Have students use colors and labels to show the schedule of the week.

4. Extension: Share their colorful schedules.

Photographic Meaning

1. Watch the video:

2. Students each make a slide to share that has a photo of something they love and a couple sentences about why. Play music while they collect photos

3. Prepare to share these with the group on a future day.

4. Collect all the slides and send them to Jenni to be collected in an AHS Photo Project.

5. If a student doesn’t have photo ability, have them hold their item up to the camera. Take a pic and send it to them.

Video: The Trolley Problem

This is a thought experiment.

1. Start the video and play it until 1min 35 sec.

2. Discuss what students would do.

3. Continue the video.

4. At 2min 20sec, stop the video.

5. Discuss.

6. Finish the video.

7. Discuss.

Pick a Station!

1. Ask what type of music best represents your mood today? Why?

2. Share the website:

3. Show how to change

  • Location

  • Decade

  • Slow/Fast/Weird

4. Students search for a country and decade they have never been to that has music they could jam to.

5. Share with each other. Why do we like certain music? How does music change over time and locale?

Mindful: Youth Voices

1. Watch the video.

2. Now, choose a mindful activity to practice now (2 minutes):

  • Go brush your teeth, but hold your toothbrush with your non-dominant hand.

  • Spend the time counting each exhale. IF you miss one or a thought comes into your mind, start over at 1. How far can you get without your ideas interrupting? No judgement, just notice.

3. What was that like? Why?

October 12-16


CIPA-Media Literacy and Digital Safety for Students

1. Email the link to students:

  • Click Student Training

  • Create an account for YOU, the student - even though it says Parent Info Center.

  • Scroll to the bottom: Children’s Internet Protection Act

  • Click on 9-12.

  • Study the slideshow.

2. On Friday, there will be an Advisory Competition emailed to Advisors.

3. Each Advisory will do a team quiz about Internet Safety.

4. The quiz is timed.

5. The team with the best score wins.

6. Tied? The best score with the fastest time wins!

7. $10 gift certificates for each member of the Advisory in attendance.

8. Discuss some ways your team can prepare for this throw-down!

9. Teachers: Sign off training.


1. Discuss. Why are some people more or less likely to use their cameras in remote learning?

2. Visit:

3. Click on SD or HD to start.

3. Click on the monkey face to start.

4. Once it loads, allow the camera to capture your face on the digital marks. Sit still and neutral.

5. After your face is loaded, you can move your face to change the character.

6. Open your mouth wide for a while to see a surprise world.

7. Try all three.

8. Come back and share.

(Goal: Camera Comfort)

Happiness Calendar

1. Share things that make us happy.

2. Visit the Happiness Calendar for October in the link.

3. Show how each day’s challenge also has an article with it.

4. It can be added to a Google Calendar if anyone wants it. (Adds one item at the start of each day,)

5. Extension: Collect photos from your Advisory of people doing the challenges. Arrange them to share.

Video: 7 Emotions

1. Watch the video -- but challenge yourself to block the faces below the eyes.

2. What made some emotions harder to read?

3. How might this idea also apply to classes where people don’t use the cameras?

4. How can this impact us? Society? Why?

5. What can we do?

Presenting, Pets!

1. Students each create a slide with photos of their pet(s) OR their imaginary-pet-invention.

2. Slides should have pictures, student name, pet description. Show them off!

3. Play pet music while they work on slides. (may take 2 days)

4. Students present their slides to share their pets with the group.

5. Adults collect all the slides to be added to the Advisory Stage. Share with Jenni Newton

(Goals: Online Comfort & Sharing Skills)

Mindful: How Mindfulness Empowers Us

1. In chat, list some things that compete with your well-being?

Example: due dates, screens, etc.

2. Watch the video.

3. What are our “wolves” of emotions?

4. What are the emotions we should “feed” the most? Why?

5. How can “feeding” the “right wolf” empower us?

October 5-9

SEL/ADVISORY PD (2020-10-02 at 10:01 GMT-7)
SEL/ADVISORY PD (2020-10-02 at 10:23 GMT-7)

Email How-To

1. Ask what are BAD emails.

2. Use this link to create an activity just for your Advisory.

3. Make a copy for yourself.

4. Edit slide 3 to reflect teachers. Admin?

5. Go over slide 1 & 2.

6. Students email a teacher.

7. Extension: Pass the Story

  1. Post a list of students so they can see the order.

  2. Each person emails the person below them in the list--but only 1 line of a story.

  3. Upon receiving an email, students click FORWARD, add a line to the story, and send it to the next person down the list. Repeat.

  4. Stories should end back at the first person.

  5. Some may want to share.


1. What is the best day of the year?

2. Students open Google Calendar.

3. Look over the items listed here:

  • Assignments due

  • Scheduled classes

  • Different layouts: day/week/month/etc.

  • Other

4. Students visit:

5. Choose 3-5 dates to add to your calendar.

6. Share new important dates.

7. Extension: Students can invite friends to share the posting.

Pass the Mic

1. Choose a question to post in your Advisory. (Open question?)

2. Ask students to prepare their answers.

3. Make a copy of this one and edit for your Advisory:

4. Share the Pass the Mic slide.

5. Have students follow the instructions and when the mic is passed to them, they answer then say thank you and pass the mic to the next person.

6. Students may say pass if they don’t want to answer the question.

(Goal: Remote Discussion Comfort)

Video: Simple Exercises to Improve Memory

1. Ask students to share what they know about remembering things, like school.

2. This is a scientific look at how we can impact our own memory.

3. In chat, list one thing you learned about memory.

4. How can this information be useful to us?

Who is this? Google Pic

1. Ask students what items or animals represent the best things about them. (This may be a time to discuss “school appropriateness”.)

2. Students find and “SAVE IMAGE AS” in Google Accounts.

3. Send kids to the GSuite.

4. Click on the picture of the camera--on the circle where a picture can go. (Some students have already done this.)

5. Here they can “UPLOAD A PICTURE” for teachers to learn more about them.

6. All students change their layout to Tiles so they can see each other in the gallery.

7. Extension: Show and Tell

Mindful: Box Breathing

1. Box breathing is a mindfulness technique used around the world.

2. Choose a video for you and your students.

3. Students practice along with the video.

The Cute Video (3min)

The Navy Seal Video (5min)

September 28-October 2

Week 3 Objective: Getting to Know Us

Video: Breakfasts Around the World

1. Ask students to list what they ate for breakfast.

2. Ask students to list what they think the BEST breakfast foods are.

3. Watch the video:

4. What countries have breakfasts you’d like to try? Which ones don’t?

5. Discuss.

(Goal: Remote Discussion & Social Awareness)

Advisory Student Survey: This or That

1. Students complete the survey:

2. The answers to these questions will be collected for a future Advisory activity.

3. Discuss the ones students found most challenging to decide. What made them difficult? Are you all in agreement? Why or why not?

It’s An Illusion…

1. Visit the website:

2. Click Random Illusion or choose some to discuss.

3. Present these and ask what people see -- or what they don’t!

(Goal: Remote Discussion Comfort)


1. Create a blank Google Doc that your students can work on together.

2. Copy and paste this BINGO CARD into the shared document.

3. Ask students to each pick a font that best matches how they feel today.

4. Students type their names into all the boxes that are true to them.

5. Ask participants to share stories behind their answers -- some will not be ready but some will model how to do this. Discuss shared answers.

Travel Talk

1. Each student thinks of a place they’d like to go or suits their personality.

2. Take turns.

3. Each person lists three clues for that place.

4. Others guess which place was chosen.

5. Limit guesses if you need to.

Extension: Break students into breakout rooms and have them agree on a place. They come up with the clues together. Then bring them back to the main room to get guesses.

Mindful: Everyday Mindfulness



1. Students will simply notice things around them.

2. All students mute mics.

3. Tell them the goal of this activity is simply to notice what’s around them.

4. They are to touch things and say what they are. Example: As I touch my ear, I say, “ear.” Then I touch another thing and say what it is. (Tell them to whisper or just mouth the words if they are not in a place to talk.)

5. Time them for 30-60 seconds then call them back.

September 21-25

SEL Training (2020-09-18 at 12:37 GMT-7)

Week 2: Getting to Know Us

Video: Awe in the Ordinary

1. Watch the video.

2. Take time to all go find awe in something ordinary.

3. Bring it back to chat and do an old fashioned show and tell. (Option: pictures)

4. Allow discussion and feedback.

5. Extension: Take photos or video of the items and create something to be posted online. Email to Jenni Newton.

Advisory Norms

1. Discuss what norms are desired for a solid advisory.

2. Make a list of all ideas either in a shared doc, chat, or presentation.

3. Condense the items into a solid list with which the group agrees.

4. Extension: Divide students into small groups and assign each group a norm from the class list.

5. Small groups make a list of specific behaviors that reflect the norm. Example: Being respectful is when people say kind words even in disagreement.

Post Norms in Advisory Google Classroom.

Hopes & Fears

1. Students write down their greatest hope for the current year.

2. Students write their greatest fear for the current year.

3. In Chat (or shared doc) have students type their hopes.

4. Discuss what shows up.

5. Students type fears.

6. Discuss again.

7. How can we support people with these fears?

I Spy

1. This is the classic I Spy game but for practicing using Google Meets.

2. Ask participants to turn on video if they are comfortable. If not, they can hold up an object or image for presentation.

3. Choose someone to “spy” something from any of the visible video screens. They begin by saying, “I spy something… (adjective here)”

4. Students guess. You may limit guesses for time.

(GOAL: comfort online)

Joyful Chat

1. Open the Advisory Stage Webpage front the Advisory site.

2. On this page there is a slide show of things that make the high school teachers feel joy.

3. Discuss:

  1. What items do you agree bring joy? Why? How?

  2. Disagree?

  3. What items match which teachers? Why do you think that?

Mindful: Why Mindfulness is a Superpower

1. Ask what is mindfulness?

2. Each week there will be a new mindfulness practice in Advisory.

3. Watch the video.

4. After, ask how mindfulness could help students. (attention, engagement, compassion, connection, empathy, intent, etc.)

September 14-18


What’s Poppin’

1. Watch the video. It has 2 verses.

2. Repeat the first 2 lines of the rap. As a group, replace the words to make the rap about your own advisory teacher.

3. Now, write a whole song or rap for your advisory teacher. Film this and share it with Jenni Newton to add to our Advisory Stage webpage.


Getting to Know You

1. Each student uses this link to take the survey:

2. Your Advisory teacher will get the responses.

3. Here’s a link to some thinking music.


You Won the Lottery!

1. Your advisory just won the lottery: 25 million dollars!

2. CHAT: Take 5 minutes to list all the things you would do with the money. There is no limit.

3. Everyone look over the list and discuss. What kinds of categories could you split your list into?


Digital Advisory Collage

1. Have each person find an image online that represents them. Variation: Specify image types, “a red image”, “an image of your joy”, “an image of a favorite hobby”, etc.

2. Each person shares the image and explains why they chose it. Advisors create a shared Google Doc and post in Chat.

3. Collect all the images and have someone create a collage of all the “People in Your Advisory.”

4. Share the collage with Jenni Newton for a slideshow.


5 Essentials List

1. Your advisory is to come up with 5 essential things for every AHS student. Discuss it together.

2. Email any lists to Jenni Newton for the Advisory Stage Webpage.


So Many Sounds Around

1. Close your eyes, and listen to what you can hear.

2. Each student needs a pen/ pencil and scratch paper.

3. Identify five different sounds that they notice in the room. Give 60-90 seconds. You (or a student) should time it and play a bell at the end.

4. Students type their lists into chat.

5. Discussion about how our minds work:

  • When you hear a sound, do you start thinking about which sounds you like and which ones you don’t? Why do you think our minds do that?

  • When you hear a sound, does it sometimes make you start thinking about something else (a memory, for example)?

  • Do you normally notice these sounds when you are in this room? If not, why do you think you don’t notice them?