Aston Lodge - Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 

Disney 100!

We enjoyed celebrating 100 years of Disney on Monday 16th October. Disney has brought happiness to every single one of us, through the generations. We dressed up and completed Disney-themed activities throughout the day. We raised an amazing £170 for Great Ormond Street Hospital - to spread a little bit of Disney magic to other children.

World Mental Health Day!

On Tuesday 10th October, the whole school celebrated World Mental Health Day. The theme this year was 'tea and talk'. We played team games with peers from other classes and had a snack afterwards, whilst completing some mindfulness colouring. Pupils said how happy it made them feel and how they would love to do this more often.

We have also started a collection of food - to donate to others and show our thanks for the food we have.

Harvest Festival

We had a lovely time at our local Methodist Church this term. We visited the church to explore how Christians celebrate Harvest. Each class performed a poem or song; we were also greatful to meet the new minister, Louise. Thank you to The Open Book Team for having us.

FS1 Learning

All the children have had a fabulous start to school this year and we are really proud of them all. We have been learning about nursery rhymes in Literacy and colour, sorting and shape in maths.  

FS2 Little Oaks

FS2 have loved their first school trip to Austerfield this term. This has linked to their literacy learning of 'Who Lives in the Woods'. In maths, we have moved onto ordering objects. We will be learning to order objects by length using the terminology 'short, shorter shortest' and 'long, longer, longest'. 

Y1 Ash

Y1 have settled in well - into the big part of school. They also enjoyed their first class trip to Wentworth Garden Centre this week. They all followed the Aston Lodge Way and were excited to see all the animals!

Trips - Autumn Term 2

School Trips

Some school trips for next term are not yet confirmed, but are in the process of being booked. Here is a list of booked and potential trips to put in your diaries:

Year 6 - In-School Anne Frank Workshop

Wednesday 15th November and Friday 17th November. Booked

Year 5 and Year 6 - Climbing Wall Experience

Friday 15th December. Booked

Year 3/4 - Weston Park

Wednesday 8th November. Booked

Year 1 - Gulliver's Valley

Friday the 8th of December. TBC   

FS1 - Tinsel Tots, Gulliver's Valley 

Friday the 15th of December. Booked

Y2/3 Beech 

Miss Hamilton is super impressed with how her class have settled back into school. They too have enjoyed their first trip to Ecclesall Woods, to link to their Stone Age topic. They had lots of fun den-building and learning how to survive in the wild!

Y3/4 Hazel

Mrs Burton has loved getting to know her new class and is excited for their trip to Weston Park next term. Y3/4 have been making clay masks in art and have written some beautiful poems in class that they have shared as part of National Poetry Day

Y5 Holly

Y5 have been learning about the Mayans in history. So, they took a trip to York Chocolate Story to learn all about that time period. They have also been learning about the artist Jimoh Buraimoh. Mrs Morton is impressed with all of them!

Y6 Sycamore 

Miss Jenkinson is so proud of her class for how they have settled into Y6. It is a challenging year, but they have been working hard. They have been enjoying their WW2 topic in history - especially their trip to Eden Camp!

Careers in English

September has been our time to celebrate careers in English! We have had an author visit from Jenny York, who told us all about how she became an author. In our pledge time, we have also researched different careers in English.

Powerful Poetry

Madison, in Y6, produced many amazing poems to celebrate National Poetry Day. She has a passion for wiriting! Please read her amazing work below:

National Poetry Day

This term, in English, the children have been taking part in national poetry day activities. They have been looking at the theme of refuge. The children have reflected on what their refuge is and written their very own refuge senses poem. The children have produced some outstanding work. 

Halloween Disco! 

Tickets are still on sale for our Halloween Disco, for £2, which includes a hotdog and a drink. Class teachers have these available to buy: 

FS2 & KS1 Disco - Monday 30th October


KS2 Disco - Thursday 2nd November 


Mock Trials!

 Y5 and Y6 will be taking part in Mock Trial workshops where they take on roles in a "mock trial". The trial is based on the Goldilocks fairy tale - to gain an insight into the law system. We are excited to have partnered with Sheffield Hallam University for this exciting expirience.

Lodge: Referendum

The school will be joined by Mike Thomas, from the local authority, to take part in a referendum. We have thought alot about what we are going to vote for; we decided that we would be voting to keep or change our school song. Keep an eye out for the final decision!

School Council get a 'taste' for their new role!

Our school counsellors have been busy meeting with Miss O'Brien already this year. They are conducting some food tasting next term - to decide our new dinner menu for the spring term.

The Eco-Committee are growing!

The Eco-Committee have appointed some new, younger members this year. Their first job will be to expand our wildlife area by planting some more flowers in the raised beds and around school. They will bloom in the spring and summer - before our 'eco-fest'.

Dates for your Diary - Autumn Term

Parent Workshops and Other Important Dates

Below, are specific workshop dates for each class and dates

for Christmas activities too:

Year 6 - Christmas Craft Workshop

Wednesday 20th December 1:30PM - 3:00PM

Year 2/3 - Christmas Craft Workshop

Monday 18th December 1:30PM - 3:00PM

FS2- Parent Craft Afternoon

Monday 30th October 1:30PM - 3:00PM

FS1 - Parent Craft Morning

Monday 30th October 9:30AM - 10:30AM

Y1, Y3/4 and Y5 Workshops TBC

Granny Norbag comes to Aston Lodge!

We are excited to share that pupils will be able to watch Granny Norbag’s brand new Christmas 2023 show this year, in school! This is provisionally booked for Thursday 19th December.

Christmas Events!

Christmas Fair - Saturday 25th November

Our Christmas Fair will run from 10:00AM while 2:00PM this year. We are looking forward to hosting this on a Saturday, to welcome more of our local community, parents, friends and family. There will be games, stalls and lots to see and do. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!


Foundation Stage Nativity - Tuesday 12th December - 10:00AM while 11:00AM

Y1 and Y2/3 Nativity - Tuesday 12th December - 1:30PM while 2:30PM

Y3/4, Y5 and Y6 Concert - Thursday 14th December

Showing 1 - 9:30AM - 10:30AM 

Showing 2 - 1:30PM - 2:30PM