Aston Lodge Autumn Term Newsletter

Our With Me in Mind Ambassadors

Our With Me In Mind Ambassadors have set up a mindful colouring club for pupils to share their feelings and open up to each other, helping to manage their mental well being. - Written by Jasmin and Laila.


This term in FS2, the children have been reading the story 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne. During this theme, the children have engaged in a variety of Art and D&T activities. In D&T, we have participated in tasting the fruits from the story, including a mango, avocado and passion fruit. We have learnt and practised how to cut fruit safely when making our own fruit kebabs. In Art, we have learnt how to colour mix primary colours using powder paints to create secondary colours. We applied our knowledge and skills of colour mixing to create our own paintings, we learnt how to print using a range of chopped fruit and we created our own 'Circles in a Square' in the style of the famous Artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Our Eco Actions

Our Eco-Committee has been working on recycling clothes in our uniform bank; organising assemblies and poster competitions. Once our uniform bank is full, we are going to host a uniform 'swap shop', where parents can come and swap/change uniform when it is needed. - Written by Laila

Sycamore class have completed a school grounds litter pick this term and children in other classes have been volunteering to do this a break times too!

After competing in our first out of school sports tournament of this year, Ava and Maisie, two of our school council members had noticed we were one of the only schools that didn't have a matching sports kit. So, we have made it our mission to get a Lodge Lions sports kit for all school tournaments and any games. Look out for fundraising events soon! - Written by Ava and Maisie

Tag Rugby Competition

Our first tag rugby competition we had three warm up matches. Then, one match to decide if we go to the quarter finals or not; we ended up going to the quarter finals.

The Great, Aston Bake Off!

Miss Rodgers, our FS1 teacher, organised a bake off this half term; alongside this we also invited some of you along to buy cakes as part of a Macmillan coffee afternoon. Amazingly, we raised £273 for the charity, which will help massively support all the amazing work they do. We would also like to congratulate all the amazing star baker's who brought something in for our competition! - Written by Junior and Nell

Next, Silver!

Year 6, year 4/5 and many others have achieved their bronze pledges. Now, they must achieve silver. To manage this task, they must achiever certain things: work within a group in a local community event or support a local and national charity through school, learn a different language and about a different country and within a group take in a democratic process that affects change. - Written by Shaun and Madison

The RE team loved having us perform and visit the Methodist Church for harvest this term. We are so excited to go back again at Christmas. See below for more exciting things happening at Christmas time:

School Trips and Visits

Y6 - Trip to Eden Camp - Date TBC

Y3/4/5 - Trip to Crowden in the Peak District - Friday 4th November

Y2 - Trip to Conisbrough Castle - Wednesday 2nd November

Y1 - Trip to Wentworth - Date TBC

FS - Trip to The Deep - Thursday 8th December

Dates for your Diary - Autumn Term!

Parent Workshops

Parent Workshops are arranged every term here, so that we can share our work with the people closest to us. This might be in the form of an assembly, a book-look or maybe even a hands-on activity for you to complete together with your child in school.

Up and Coming Workshops

Y6 - VE DAY/Book-look Workshop - Tuesday 6th December 1:30-3:00PM

Mrs Morton and Mrs Burton's Class (Y3/4/5) Workshop - Wednesday 16th November 2:00-3:00PM

Y2 - Class Workshop - Thursday 24th November 1:30-3:00PM

Y1 - Class Workshop - Tuesday 4th December 3:00-4:00PM

Foundation Stage - WORRY MONSTER Workshop - Thursday 17th November 1:45-2:30PM

Countdown to Christmas!

In school, we will be hosting lots of celebration activities in the run up to Christmas. Please make a note of the following dates in your diaries. More details will follow closer to each event:

Foundation Stage Nativity - Friday 9th December 9:30-10:30AM

Y1 and Y2 Nativity - Friday 9th December 2:00-3:00PM

Christmas Fayre - Tuesday 13th December 2022

KS2 Carol Concert - Wednesday 14th December 1:30-2:30PM

The Aston Lodge Press!

You may have noticed that we have a new image at the top of our newsletter this term and some names at the bottom of the captions. This is all thanks to the Aston Lodge Press/Newsletter team, who have helped Miss Jenkinson write our newsletter for this term. We are valuing our gifted writers here at Aston Lodge, so you may be seeing new faces and names each term - helping with the write -ups and important messages. Well done to all my helpers this term: Junior Brick, Nell Gilberthorpe, Madison Mckay, Shaun Hindson, Ava Senior, Jasmin Nutall, Maisie Whelan and Laila Moxon-Webb.

Look out for more updates for Spring Term 1, in our Christmas Newsletter.