Welcome to our 'new look' Newsletter

Welcome to our new look Aston Hall J&I newsletter. Throughout the year, when there is key information and updates to provide parents/carers with, beyond our regular contact and posts on dojo, we will send out a newsletter. This may be monthly, at key times such as the start / end of the term or during busy periods such as Christmas. We hope you find this way of presenting information to you more engaging and accessible, with the content re-sized and accessible depending on the device you are using to view it. Links to these newsletters can also be found in the Letters / Newsletters section on our website if you wish to refer back to information at a later date.

Thank you, Mr Holmes

Updated Vision & Values

Following consultation with staff and the governing board, we felt that our school's vision and values needed simplifying and making more succinct. Now, we have our Aston Hall way and pledges for the children on a daily basis, and our vision and values statement underpinned by our motto of 'Believe, Achieve, Succeed'. Our updated vision can be found below.

Upcoming events / dates for your diary:

Our school calendar is regularly updated on our website and includes details of upcoming trips, residential visits, sporting events and more.

Key dates in the Spring / Summer term:


w/c 7th Feb - Children's Mental Health Week

Tues 15th Feb - Valentine's Disco

w/c 21st Feb - Half Term

Mon 28th Feb - INSET Day


Tues 1st - Thurs 3rd March - Parents' Evenings

Fri 4th March - PJ Day for Sheffield Children's Hospital

Thurs 17th March - Y5 Science trip to Wickersley School & Sports College

Tues 29th March - Y5 & 6 Mad Greek Day


Tues 5th - Wed 6th Apr - Y3 & 4 Gulliver's Residential - TBC

w/c 11th & 18th Apr - Easter Holidays

Mon 25th Apr - EYFS Cannon Hall Farm visit

Wed 27th Apr - Young Voices Concert @ Sheffield Arena


Thurs 5th May - INSET Day

Fri 6th May - Y3/4 James Brunt Artist Visit

w/c Mon 9th May - SATs Week

Tues 10th & 17th May - Heather Irwin Photography Project

Fri 13th May - Class Photos

Mon 16th - Wed 18th May - Y5 Whitby Residential

Wed 18th - Fri 20th May - Y6 Whitby Residential

Wed 25th May - Sports Day

Thurs 26th May - Beach Party Disco

w/c 30th May - Half Term


w/c 13th June - EYFS Cleethorpes Visit (Day TBC)

Mon 13th - Wed 15th June - Y5 & 6 WPT Trust Residential


Fri 1st July - INSET Day

w/c 4th July - Open Evening / Meet the Teacher (Day TBC)

w/c 11th July - KS2 Production (Day TBC)

Wed 20th July - Final day of school year

Crossing Patrol Survey - Tues 1st February

As you will be aware, we have been proactive in our attempts to try and improve road safety in recent months around the school site. As well as attending meetings with our local MP, police and council members, we have been in contact with the council to request a crossing patrol on Church Lane.

On Tues 1st Feb from 8:20-8:50am and again at 2:30-3:15pm, the council will be conducting a survey on Church Lane, collecting data which will be used to identify if a patrol is needed.

Without causing any safety issues, we would encourage any parents or children who cross the road to get to school to do so near school on Church Lane on this day, as it will highlight for the person conducting the survey the high volume of traffic and people that have to use the road, therefore increasing our chances of a crossing patrol being funded.

New Chromebooks in school

As part of ongoing plans to improve the quality and use of technology in our schools, Wickersley Partnership Trust have invested heavily in providing it's Primary schools with new chromebooks for the children to use in their day to day learning. I'm extremely pleased to say we have just taken delivery of over 100 new chromebooks, which combined with our existing technology in school, means we are extremely well equipped to support children in their computing curriculum and use of technology to enhance the curriculum across school.


A few weeks ago, we launched our Aston Hall pledges with the children and i'm pleased to have seen so many children already bringing / sending in evidence of them achieving pledges outside school. A reminder that we are backdating pledge achievements to Sept 2021. Please support us in encouraging your child's participation in this great initiative.

After school clubs Spring 2

We are very pleased to be able to continue working with excellent external providers for our after school clubs in Spring 2. Our Crazy Science Club is ran by ABC learners for 18 Y3-6 children. The Mini Trampoline Club is by Live & Learn Sports for 20 Y1-4 children. And we welcome to Aston Hall LK Dance, who will be running our Dance club for 25 Y2-6 children. The clubs provide excellent value for money whilst giving your children a wonderful opportunity to develop new skills and interests.

New School Logo Development

I am aware from discussions with school staff and governors, that there had been some development last year with the design of a new school logo for our uniform and correspondence etc. After discussing again with staff and children, this is something we feel we would like to push ahead with, ready for the new school year in September.

I can only apologise for any confusion or disappointment last year when this did not result in the progress planned and for any children and families who spent time creating designs / giving your input.

This year, I assure you we will be completing the process, and have already spoken to the appropriate people to ensure the design is complete and ready to go for September, with support from local uniform supplier Pinders to ensure the design is fit for purpose and suitable for uniform etc.

In light of this, we really need your support again, in providing ideas, designs and inspiration for our new school logo.

We will take all of the ideas and contributions from children, parents, staff and governors and use elements of these to influence and inspire the final logo, which will be professionally designed and created.

Children whose ideas/designs result in a significant contribution to the final logo, such as any colours, wording, images or themes, will be credited for this and receive a prize.

A paper copy will be sent home with your child, but you can access the letter / design sheet by clicking the button below.

Volunteers starting next week

Next week, we have 18 amazing volunteers starting in school supporting children's learning. There will be support allocated across all of school, at a range of times throughout the week in different subjects. We can't thank our volunteers enough for giving up their time and supporting the learning of children in our school.

Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics

Well done to the 20 Y5/6 children that took part in the first Primary Sports Hall Athletics Competition for 2 years on Wednesday this week.

Out of the 15 Rotherham schools competing, Aston Hall finished an impressive 3rd winning the bronze medal. Well done to everyone who took part.

Online Safety

We work hard with the children to remind them regularly in computing lessons, in assemblies and at other times about online safety. We ask that you do your part in supporting us with this. We are having an increasing number of children, even very young children in school, who are making reference to things they have seen on 'TikTok' and are mimicking things in school which are not appropriate. This has included inappropriate language and content beyond their years. Please see the attached poster with advice for parents (click to go to the document) and a reminder that only children aged 13+ should be accessing TikTok.

Thank you for your continued support!

Finally, just to say a huge thank you once again. It seems like forever ago now but we were so extremely proud of all the wonderful events and school community engagement in the final few weeks before the Christmas break.

We know things continue to be a challenge for all of us, but thank you for your continued support and engagement with us.