We are enormously proud of the ASSET Complete Human Strategy - an in-house, evidence led approach to wellbeing that is unique to our schools and communities.

At ASSET we put wellbeing at the heart of our whole-trust strategy - we know that everything we do and can achieve depends on people, and the relationships between them - whether that's staff, children or families. We take our our strapline "nurturing humanity" very important. Humans need to feel complete in order to thrive themselves, and to nurture others.

Early in our Trust story we invested in understanding what the foundations of wellbeing are, by sending a group of leaders from our schools to the Netherlands, with it's reputation for being one of the happiest places to live, work and grow up. We also conducted research, learning from the best.

As a result of this work, we established the Complete Human Strategy, and developed the 6 pillars, that we see are fundamental to wellbeing.

The 6 pillars of the Complete Human Strategy are:

 Pillar One  Structure & Stability

Systems that work, using evidence to give us the best chance of success:

 Pillar Two  Expertise

Getting the right information and support to the right people:

 Pillar Three  Positivity

Bright, can-do attitudes that aim high:

 Pillar Four  Relationships & Communication

Strong, trusting and positive relationships based on open, honest and clear communication:

 Pillar Five  Place

The physical environment in which I work and learn, inside, and outside:

 Pillar Six  Time well spent

Spending our time productively and making the most of every moment: