"Unlocking the potential within"


Welcome to the website for The Aspire Federation in Milton Keynes. We are a Federation of Special Schools; Slated Row School and The Woodlands School (formerly The Walnuts School); who aspire to deliver the best possible outcomes for all our young people and their families.  

It is a privilege to be the Executive Headteacher for The Aspire Federation. We have inspiring young people who never cease to amaze and make me smile.

We have an exceptional staff group who are professional, yet keep the family feel that is so important to both schools. I am extremely proud to be a part of the team. 

If you wish to know more about each school click on the school logos and if you wish to support our school's or raise funds please go to the 'Friends' websites for more information. 

Picture of Jonathan Budd, the Executive Headteacher

Jonathan Budd 

Executive Headteacher

Link to the Slated Row school website
Link to the Woodlands School website