
Since the establishment of the Griffins 1884 team in 2004 and the Phoenix 1797 team in 2016, there has been a complete collaboration between both teams for game analysis, priority list and the prototyping phase. Once the FIRST challenge is released, the combined knowledge and skills of our two teams allow us to create two robots. Over the years, our teams have accumulated a wide range of achievements and awards in FRC competitions.

Coming out of COVID, our robotics program needed to change, adapt, and most importantly, rebuild. To do this, during this competition year (2022 - 2023), we are combining forces and competing as just one team: Griffins 1884, in order to develop our competition experience, pool our mentor resources, and eventually restart Phoenix 1797 in the near future. 

Team Sustainability Award 2024

Dean's List Finalist Award 2024

Gracious Professionalism Award  2023

Engineering Inspiration Award  2023

Dean’s List Finalist  2023

Dean’s List Finalist  2021
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award  2018

Shenzen Regional Winner  2017

Innovation and Control Award  2017

Division Quarterfinalist  2016

Regional Winners  2015

2024 Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 

2024 Dean's List Finalist Award 

2018  Creativity Award 

2018  Imagery Award Winner 

2017  Shenzen Semi-Finalist 

2017  Gracious Professionalism Award 

2017  Dean’s List Finalist

. . . and MORE

New York Regional Winners 

New York Regional Winners 

Woodie Flowers Finalist

Judges’ Award WPI Regional

Dean’s List Finalist

Entrepreneurship Award Caufield & Byers 

WPI Regional Finalist 

Excellence in Design Award 

Excellence in Design Award 

Judges’ Award Lone Star Regional