Dr. Paul T. P. Ho

Academician, Academia Sinica

Scientific Organizing Committees


  1. Third Haystack Observatory Conference on Atoms, Ions, and Molecules: New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics; Westford, Massachusetts (May 1990).
  2. 1991 Taipei Astrophysics Workshop: Relationships Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies; Taipei, Taiwan (March 1991).
  3. 1992 Taipei Astrophysics Workshop: Science and Technology of Astronomical Interferometry; Taipei, Taiwan (March 1992).
  4. IAU Colloquium No. 140: Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry; Hakone, Japan (October 1992).
  5. IAUNAM Workshop: Circumstellar Disks and Outflows in Young Stars; Cozumel, Mexico (November 1994).
  6. Fourth Center for Astrophysics Internal Symposium on Star and Planet Formation and Related Topics; Chair; Cambridge, Massashusetts (June 1995).
  7. The 1995 Star Formation Workshop: Star and Planet Formation at High Angular Resolution; Nankang, Taiwan (July 1995).
  8. Japan-U.S. Workshop on Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy at 10 Milli-Arcseconds Resolution; Tokyo, Japan (March 1997).
  9. 2003 International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astropyhsics; Co-Chair; Taipei, Taiwan (November 2003).
  10. 2004 New Windows on Star Formation in the Cosmos; Maryland (October 2004).
  11. Submillimeter Astronomy: in the ara of the SMA; Chair; Cambridge, Massachusetts (June 2005).
  12. AMiBA Workshop; Chair; Hilo, Hawaii (September 2005).
  13. Workshop on Submillimeter Astronomy and Receiver Technologies; Co-Chair; Nanjing, China (December 2005).
  14. ASIAA-TIARA Star Formation Workshop 2005: From Cloud Cores to Debris Disks; Taipei (December 2005).
  15. 2006 International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics; Taipei, Taiwan (November 2006).
  16. Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory; Heidelberg, Germany (September 2007).
  17. Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy at High Angular Resolution, Chair, Taipei, Taiwan (June 2009).
  18. Molecules in Galaxies, Cambridge, United Kingdom (July 2010).
  19. Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe, Hualien, Taiwan (October, 2011).
  20. Workshop on East-Asian Collaboration for the Square Kilometer Array, Daejeon, Korea (December 2011)
  21. NRAO-NAASC 2012 Workshop: Outflows, Winds and Jets: From Young Stars to Supermassive Black Holes, Charlottesville, VA, (March 2012).
  22. New Trends in Radio Astronomy in the ALMA Era, Hakone, Japan (December 2012).
  23. The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus, Santa Fe, NM (September 2013).
  24. The Submillimeter Array: First Decade of Discovery, Cambridge, MA (June 2014).
  25. M87 Workshop 2016, Taipei, Taiwan (May 2016).
  26. Star Formation in Different Environments, Vietnam (July 2016).
  27. ALMA Band 1 Science Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan (January 2017).
  28. Black Hole Astrophysics with VLBI: Past, Present, and Future, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan (March 2017).
  29. The Cosmic Cycle of Dust and Gas in the Galaxy: from Old to Young Stars, Quy Nhon, Vietnam (July 2018).
  30. Windows on the Universe, Quy Nhon, Vietnam (August 2018).