Engagements 2025
Sunday 6 April, times to be confirmed. Golden Valley Light Railway.
Sunday 20 april, 6.00am, sunrise service at The Fabric.
Saturday 3 May, afternoon, joint concert in Ashover.
Sunday 4 May, 10.30am, church service in Ashover
Monday 5 May, 10.15am. May Day Parade, Ashover.
Sunday 11 May, 9.00am, Queens Park, Chesterfield (Chesterfield 10k)
Saturday 17 May 3.00 - 5.00pm, Railale, Barrow Hill Roundhouse
Saturday 31st May, private wedding event, Ashover Parish Hall (time TBC)
Saturday 21 June, 1.30pm. Youlgrave well dressings
Saturday 28 June, 7.30pm, summer concert in Ashover village hall.
Sunday 13 July, Barringtons at Darley Dale. Time TBC
Wednesday 13 August, from 11:00. Ashover Show
Saturday 16 August, times TBC. Woolley Show.
Sunday 30 November, Bakewell Sparkle
Saturday 20 December, 7.30pm, Christmas concert, Ashover Village Hall