Support and Resources For Students

Making and Playing with Friends:

It's really hard for kids (and adults!) to not see their friends as much as they used to. We know you must be missing your friends and playing with them both in and outside school. This new school year is the perfect time to make new friends and reconnect with old friends.

Here are some ideas:

    1. While you are at school or on the computer at home, try to find one or two students in your class that you want to learn more about. Introduce yourself, ask questions, and get to know them. If you are in school, talk to them! When you are at home, ask your caregiver for help setting up a virtual chat. This is also a great way to reconnect with old friends. EVERYONE wants to connect so if you take the first steps, lots of other kids will too!

    1. With caregiver permission, taking walks and/or riding bikes, scooters , and hover boards, around the neighborhood or town is a great way to see other kids and stop to say a socially-distant hello!

    1. With caregiver permission, playing games on a virtual platform (such as google meet, Zoom, etc.) with friends is a great way to stay connected. Here are some ideas of games and other activities you can do with friends: Charades, Pictionary, Headbanz, Karaoke, listen to music, scavenger hunt, or just talk!

It's okay to not be okay:

You are not alone! Everyone is having a hard time coping with all the changes going on right now. It is okay if you sometimes (or lots of times!) feel sad, angry, or worried. You have a lot of people who can help you feel better.

With your caregiver's help, make a list of trusted adults you can talk to (such as your caregivers, teachers, counselors (me!), coaches, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.). It can also be helpful to talk to friends, because they are probably feeling the same things you are.

Stress: School can be hard!

Stressful situations and what YOU can do!

REMOTE LEARNING: If you are having a hard time with your internet, computer, or accessing your work, tell your caregiver and ask your teacher or computer teacher for help. They want to help you!

In the Classroom: If you are having a hard time hearing your teacher with their mask on, raise your hand or speak to them privately and let them know. They want you to be able to hear them and they want help you!

Schoolwork: If you are having a really hard time with your assignments, you are not alone!

Here's what you can do:

      1. Take a break and look at it again.

      2. Ask a caregiver for help.

      3. Raise your hand (either in person or virtually) or email your teacher questions.

      4. Try not to worry! You will get the help you need and it will be ok - promise! Your teachers want you to learn, but most importantly, they want you to be happy and enjoy learning.

Remember to take breaks!

My School Does Not Look the Same!

If school feels different, strange, weird, or uncomfortable, that's because it is! This year is not going to feel like other school years, and that is okay because we will all work together to make it a happy, fun, and productive year.

What can I do to feel better about school?

Make a list of things that are the same about school (the teachers, fun bulletin boards, fun activities, your friends, etc.).

Make a list of things that are the same as other years but may look a little different (everyone are now wearing masks, but they are still the same people you saw in March, you may still ride the bus/eat lunch/play at recess, but it looks a little different now, sometimes you learn on the computer, and water fountains and bathrooms may look a little different, etc.).

There are some things in school that are the same, and others that are a little different, but we can all stay calm and help each other get comfortable with these changes. If you look at your list, you may even see that lots of things are the same!