
The best way to get better at reading is to read!

6/21/17: Mrs. Angelo and her students have been busily packing up her classroom since she returned in order to move everything to a different room for the upcoming school year. Also, check out the updated pictures and videos on this site!


I'm sorry to report that I will be out of school from March 15th to June 1st for some medically necessary surgery. Patricia Sykora, the long term sub, and I will work as closely as possible to provide as much continuity as possible.


In reading class, novels and supplementary materials are used to teach research-based strategies to students in order to improve reading comprehension of both fiction and non-fiction texts. The strategies include: making sensory images; questioning; main ideas; summarizing; making inferences; developing schema; and monitoring themselves to be sure students understand what they are reading. Common Core State Standards are the guide and are posted in the room as we study them.


A perfect way to help your child do well in school is to increase his or her vocabulary. Word games and bringing your student's attention to words that they might not know help the student realize how important vocabulary is, and will increase reading comprehension. The more reading that is done, the more that vocabulary grows.


I completed the DRA-2, a reading assessment that can show strengths and weaknesses in reading ability, with all of the students in late September and in January. I will repeat the assessment in June. I will be working on placement decisions until the beginning of June this year.If you would like the results or for me to answer any questions, please let me know by phone (508-881-0167) or by e-mail (aangelo@ashland.k12.ma.us)


Students are expected to:

  • Participate in class including conversation, reading, and projects/papers (80% of grade)
  • Short quizzes and papers in class. (20% of grade)
  • Learn to enjoy reading with a good book and some reading strategies that make sense!

This class is Pass/Fail.


Students: Choose a good book to read as independent reading.

Read about a topic that you are interested in, read books in a series, read about other people and other times and places, read poems, read every chance you get! Go to the public library, bookstore, or choose books from the school library or my library in room 102. Ask friends what they like to read. There are lists of good books on this site and in the Book Worm Blog.


Parents and students: Notice the sidebar for the link to our Book Reviews. Please add to it! On it are book reviews about books read both in and out of class. Check it out for some great suggestions when looking for a good book!


Parents: Ask your child to tell you about what they are reading. When you ask your student any questions, have them provide evidence for their answer--and not just while reading! Be creative--ask for evidence about what they did that day!

See the sidebar for links to helping your child choose books and for suggestions about how to help your student with reading at home. More information will follow as the year goes on.


Below is important information about the books each group is currently reading during class.

  • Grade 6: Bud, Not Buddy Workbook lessons will be assigned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Grade 6: Because of Winn-Dixie Workbooks will be assigned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Grade 7: Among the Hidden Workbooks will be assigned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Grade 7: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Workbooks will be assigned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Grade 8: The Night Children

The strategies that we are working on through use of these novels is characterization. What a character is like, how we know this, and how the character changes over time is stressed. Characters influence the plot, and the plot and setting influence characters. Going back into the book for evidence is an important part of this.