Research Tips and Info

Tips for Effective Searches

1.  Use multiple words rather than single keywords

2.  Put phrases (words that need to be side-by-side) in quotation marks (") so that you can find an exact phrase in a document. Examples: "global warming", "drunk driving", "fake news"

3. Truncate your word and use an asterisk after it to pick up all forms of the word.  For example, using the search term teen*, would expand the search to include the terms, teen, teens, teenager, teenagers, teenaged

4. Use AND, OR or NOT, also called Boolean operators, to help narrow or expand your hits

Generating Key Words

A Key Word is a word that is essential (or key) to understanding an idea or topic.

They help you identify and discover:

How many Key Words should I use?

Use phrase searching & truncation

Phrase searching - put quotation marks around  a phrase (two or more words that need to be searched side-by-side) "global warming"

Truncation - shorten a word to its root so that you get al variations of the word ex teen* = teen, teens, teenager, teenagers, teenaged, etc.