Physical Education I

Office Hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Descripción del curso

Brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar y mantener la aptitud para una vida de bienestar. Enseña los comportamientos, el conocimiento, las actitudes y las habilidades de los estudiantes para llevar un estilo de vida saludable. Los conceptos y componentes de acondicionamiento físico se enfatizan a medida que el alumno participa en una amplia variedad de actividades físicas, deportes individuales, deportes de equipo y otras actividades recreativas.

Cuando los estudiantes completen nuestros cursos, serán mejores en la capacidad de moverse con competencia y confianza en una amplia variedad de actividades físicas en múltiples entornos que benefician el desarrollo de la salud personal.

Course Description 

This course provides the opportunity to develop and maintain fitness for a lifetime of wellness.  The course teaches the student behaviors, knowledge, attitudes and skills to lead a healthy lifestyle. Fitness concepts and components are emphasized as the student participates in a wide variety of physical activities such as fitness assessment and evaluation, individual sports, team sports, and other activities. This course is offered during the regular school day for a half credit.

Course Syllabus

Operational Definition of Activity Categories

Outdoor Pursuits: The outdoor environment is an important factor in student engagement in the activity. Activities might include, but are not limited to recreational boating (e.g., kayaking, canoeing, sailing, rowing), hiking, backpacking, fishing, orienteering/geocaching, ice skating, skateboarding, snow or water skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, surfing, bouldering/traversing/climbing, mountain biking, adventure activities and ropes courses. Selection of activities depends on the environmental opportunities within the geographical region.

Fitness Activities: Activities with a focus on improving or maintaining fitness and might include, but are not limited to yoga, Pilates, resistance training, spinning, running, fitness walking, fitness swimming, kickboxing, cardio-kick, Zumba and exergaming.

Dance and Rhythmic Activities: Activities that focus on dance or rhythms and might include, but are not limited to dance forms such as creative movement/dance, ballet, modern, ethnic/folk, hip hop, Latin, line, ballroom, social and square.

Aquatics: Might include, but are not limited to swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo.

Individual-Performance Activities: Might include, but are not limited to gymnastics, figure skating, track and field, multi-sport events, in-line skating, wrestling, self-defense and skateboarding.

Games and Sports: Includes the games categories of invasion, net and wall, target, and fielding and striking.

Lifetime Activities: Includes the categories of outdoor pursuits, selected individual-performance activities, aquatics and net and wall and target games.

Course Policies

All teachers in High School are expected to adhere to these common rules.  Some classes may have additional rules but still uphold the essence of what is written below.

Latework:  Late homework will only be assessed one school day beyond the due date and with  50% off the assessed grade.  Beyond one school day, late work is not accepted.  A teacher has the right to not accept late work if it is not completed at a quality level.  Teachers are advised not to accept incomplete latework.  Work should be turned in by the beginning of the next class or by 2:45 if the student does not have the class that day.  Projects are not allowed to be late.  “Late” is defined by not having the assignment submitted at the indicated time or the beginning of the student's assigned class period.  Teachers should use the PowerSchool annotation indicating “late”.  At teacher discretion, teachers are allowed to offer alternative assignments for a grade to help students learn the material.  

Unjustified Absences: In class work will not be assessed and students will receive a 0%.  Work that is handed in late due to an unjustified absence is not considered “late work”, it receives a 0. If a student meets the deadline electronically or by turning the work in early, it can be graded as normal.  (Since a test/quiz needs to be completed during the regular class period, it does not fall into the category of being able to be done early)

Justified Absences: All justified absences are determined by the high school office within 48 hours of the absence and recorded in Powerschool accordingly.  Students will have one school day for each day missed to make up any work.  For extended absences, the scheduling of tests and quizzes is the responsibility of the student and should be done immediately with teachers upon return so these important assessments are taken within this timeframe.  Group work or group presentations that are missed for a justified absence may be graded individually.  The student is responsible to establish communication regarding all make-up dates and times.   

Students who have an “On Campus Absence”, should still hand in their work and take quizzes or tests on the scheduled due date, by the end of the school day (ex. Office meetings).  Teachers are allowed to schedule other due dates for this based on the reason for the “On Campus Absence” (ex. Drama and band performances)

All absences for semester exams follow the policy outlined in the Parent Student Handbook and are managed by the high school office.

Tardies: After 10 minutes, a student is marked with an unjustified absence to a class.  Students should arrive with an office pass for first period classes.  Teachers should allow students to join the class, but work that was missed during the first minutes can not be recovered.  Work handed in after this time will be considered “late work”.   Once the student arrives, student work can begin even if it means less time for the assigned activity.  

Academic Dishonesty: The following issues will cause a student to receive a zero on any type of assignment, project, or assessment.  Unless otherwise specified by the classroom teacher, all work handed in by a student needs to demonstrate their individual performance and knowledge.


Copying work that will be graded from another student

Using material that is not authorized such as unauthorized reference sheets, online or paid homework services are not allowed since the difference is that in-person tutoring tends to be “procedure oriented” whereas paid online services tend to be “answer orientated”.

Sharing information in person or electronically without teacher permission


Using another person’s work without giving formal credit.  

Giving your work to others so that they can use it to help complete their own tasks.


Unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing work and passing it off as one’s own.

Students will not give or ask for questions or answers from an assessment with the intention of gaining or providing an advantage on that assessment.

Cellphones and other electronic devices - must be silenced and remain in backpacks, unless the teacher has given permission to use them. When asked, a student should give any electronic device to the teacher to either remain at the teacher’s desk or submitted to the high school office.  This includes smart watches, which may not be worn during any assessment.  Students should always ask teachers if the use of any digital device for music, recording, photos, etc are allowed during the class.

Spoken Spanish vs English in classes - From bell to bell, students should speak Spanish or English in classrooms in alignment with the primary language used by the teacher for that class.  Teachers have the discretion to include this habit in the grade of the class.

Exempting Exams: Each department in High School maintains a grade level appropriate common policy on exempting exams.  Department Heads will work with their team to manage a clear description of this policy.

Behavior Grades: Grades associated with study habits & behavior should be concentrated into a category called something similar to “Work Habits” and may only count a maximum of 10% of a final grade.  Any habit that you are trying to instill upon your students not associated with your content and skill area should be concentrated in this category.  Examples include: tardies, neatness, names on paper, raising hand, handing in parent signatures, completion of homework or other task (and not considering the quality of a task), etc.

Homework returning from extended holidays: High school classes do not have homework over winter break, spring break, or extended weekends beyond 3 days (ex, 4 day weekend, Thanksgiving week).  Quizzes and tests are not to be scheduled for the return day after a holiday.  Exceptions to this include the reading of novels where time before/after the vacation was provided.  Advanced Placement teachers may choose to assign homework over Spring Break due to the nearness of the AP exams.

Pattern of Absences During Exams: It is the responsibility of the teacher to communicate to the student, student’s parents, and the high school office via email when a student is absent consecutively for two assessments. The office will intervene with a student and/or parent meeting when students have a pattern of being absent 3 or more times during exams or other assessments for a single class. Families may be required to provide additional documentation to justify the absence and/or not have their absence justified

All other teacher rules should be kept to a minimum.


Trabajo en clase 20%

Actitud hacia la clase 60%

Conocimiento sobre la clase 20%


Tenis deportivos

Espacio adecuado

Ropa adecuada

Expectativas del curso

 Siga estas expectativas básicas de participación:

Llegue a tiempo y esté preparado

Participe cuando se le solicite y complete su trabajo de clase semanal

Esté alerta (no duerma), sea un aprendiz activo y no use ningún dispositivo electrónico prohibido.

Sea respetuoso y cortés

Habrá tolerancia cero para comentarios irrespetuosos, hirientes, racistas o para burlarse del comentario de otro estudiante sobre un tema. En esta clase discutiremos temas delicados en ocasiones, por lo que el respeto es imprescindible. Es posible que a veces no esté necesariamente de acuerdo, pero ninguna situación es una excusa para invalidar o dañar a alguien. Si alguno de estos comportamientos ocurriera, se le enviará inmediatamente a la oficina de HS con el Sr. Zink y obtendrá cero puntos de participación durante el día.

Ser capaz de trabajar de forma independiente sin interrumpir al resto de la clase.

Syllabus Physical Education 1
HS PE & Health Vertically Aligned Priority Standards