Expectations & Policies


I want to support the students in my class. I can not do so if you do not effectively communicate with me when you are struggling or experiencing difficulties. If there is an issue affecting your study or you are not understanding a concept please do one of the following:

Classroom Expectations, Policies and Procedures

Our classroom needs to be a safe productive learning environment. Please turn up to class punctually. That means being in your seat ready to learn with your equipment out by the start time of class. Be respectful of the teacher, your classmates and the learning space.

Grade Categories

Grade Criteria

A-level students exhibit extensive knowledge and understanding of all standards. They demonstrate a sophisticated application of skills and concepts across learning areas and to unfamiliar problems. Their work is exemplary, displaying a high level of precision and mathematical structure. 

B-level students exhibit an appropriate knowledge and understanding of all standards. They demonstrate an effective application of skills and concepts to familiar problems. Their work generally displays precision and clear mathematical structure. 

C-level students exhibit reasonable knowledge and understanding of standards. They demonstrate an adequate application of skills and concepts but may be inconsistent in how to utilise them in problem-solving. They usually communicate mathematical thinking effectively but may be prone to precision errors. 

D-level students exhibit limited knowledge and understanding of standards. They demonstrate an incomplete application of skills and concepts and struggle to solve problems effectively. Their work often lacks mathematical structure and precision. 

F-level students exhibit minimal knowledge and understanding of standards. They exhibit minimal knowledge and understanding of skills and concepts. Work is often incomplete or not submitted.

Grade Weighting Algebra 2/Honors Algebra 2 for Quarter 1

Project 30%

Tests 40%

Quiz/Reflection 10%

Passport 20%

Tests & Quizzes

Make-up work policy: if you know you are going to be absent on a quiz or test day you need to talk to your teacher in advance so you can schedule the day of the exam or quiz, either before you leave or the day you come back.

It is possible for a student to be exempt from a semester final examination by demonstrating outstanding academic performance. An average grade of at least “95.0” or greater over the preceding two quarters is required. In addition, if a student does not score at least “95.0” in each of the two preceding quarters, the student must show improvement in his or her quarter grades in order to be exempt from the final.

Homework and Projects

Late Work policy:  Late homework will only be assessed one school day beyond the due date and with 60% off the assessed grade.  Beyond one school day, late work is not accepted.  A teacher has the right to not accept late work if it is not completed at a quality level.  Teachers are advised not to accept incomplete latework.  Work should be turned in by the beginning of the next class or by 2:45 if the student does not have the class that day.  Projects are not allowed to be late.  “Late” is defined by not having the assignment submitted at the indicated time or the beginning of the student's assigned class period.  Teachers should use the PowerSchool annotation indicating “late”.  At teacher discretion, teachers are allowed to offer alternative assignments for a grade to help students learn the material.

Calculators: Students will be expected to use TI NSpire CX CAS II. They are expected to bring their own calculator to all classes and assessment tasks. Students are not allowed to use their phones or their computers as calculators on in classroom assessment tasks.