JUV A Girls

TUE / THUR 4:20 - 5:50

SATURDAY 10:30 - 12:00

Google Classroom Join code, vdaoiy5

Zoom Session

TUE / THUR 4:20 - 5:50SATURDAY 10:30 - 12:00
click link belowhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83427718758?pwd=SnNQY3JEWTJZaVNMOGgwT3RGcm9CUT09
Meeting ID: 834 2771 8758Passcode: Py685H

Mission & Vision

ASFG Mission Statement:

Educating students in a bilingual, bicultural and secular environment to be purposeful learners, critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators and community contributors, based on a foundation of honor, freedom and commitment.

ASFG Vision Statement:

Inspire, educate and act to better our world

PE & Sports

The ASFG physical education and sports department is committed to offering a formative sports program and wellness program that fosters a healthy life style as well as develops a broad range of individual and team athletic skills. Students in grades nursery through ninth grade participate in a scheduled physical education school day program. Beyond ninth grade, physical education can be taken as an elective. The ASFG facilities include a solar heated swimming pool, a soccer field, track, basketball and volleyball courts, and a multipurpose gymnasium. The after school co-curricular program provides a wide range of sport opportunities for students who are interested in participating on a team.

Richard Shields Mission

To develop all players fundamental skills through quality training, study and competition.

My Vision Statement:

As a school we will endeavor to:

  • Develop and prepare all players for the future, both on and off the field.

  • Equally, if not more importantly, we reinforce non-soccer specific skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, responsibility, discipline and respect for all players.

  • Believe in the potential of all soccer players and seek to empower them with the self-belief to build confidence from the raising of soccer standards.

  • Strive to ensure all soccer players are given a balanced soccer experience and quality instruction.

  • Provide a positive environment for all soccer players to participate, enjoy and achieve success.

  • Allow all players the opportunity to play soccer. Everybody has the potential to play soccer and we will encourage everyone to recognize and aspire to play soccer.

  • Ensure all staff work together showing enthusiasm and a professional approach.

  • Engage the whole school community to be involved with the teams developments.


These relate to everything in life,

Remember and follow these points and you will IMPROVE
