1. What is ASDEF stand for?

Academy for Science and Design Educational Foundation

  1. Is ASDEF the same as a PTO?

Yes, we are made up of faculty from ASD as well as parents who primarily raise money for extracurricular activities for the school, as well as support the teachers and staff through teacher appreciation days.

  1. When do meetings take place?

Meetings take place the first Wednesday morning of every month at 8:00 in a designated area at ASD.

  1. Do I need to sign up to attend a meeting?

Not at all! All are welcome anytime.

  1. Why am I unable to access minutes or agendas? I am getting an error page message saying I need permission.

You need to be signed into your Google account to access minutes, agendas or any documents/links from the school. This is a security measure to protect our community, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

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