
For both the 5K and the 1-mile walk, you will start at Lenzner Feild. The starting line will be on the track surrounding the feild, and the finish line will be on the road outside the feild next to the feild's parking lot. All the money raised from this event will go to the Hannah Milbert Memorial Fund. 

Our 8th grade team worked hard on planning this event. We had a total of five teams.

Design team: The design team designed all the flyers, t-shirts, and madals for this fun event.

Promo team: The promo team created a phone call script and called businesses and asked them if they wanted to promote our event. 

Registration team: The registration team created this website, the registration form, and a wellness committee video.

Public relations team: The public relations team went to neighborhoods, gave out flyers, and informed the inhabitants about our event.

Sponsorship team: The sponsorship team created a phone call script for making phone calls, searched the web to find businesses, and managed to gather all our sponsors for the event. 

Route for the 1 mile walk

You will start at Lenzner Feild,  go through Avonworth Heights neighborhood, make a loop, and end at Lenzner Feild.

5K Run Route

You will start at Lenzner field, go through Cobblestone, make a loop, and take a shorter path back to Lenzner Field.