Member Responsibilities
Honor Society Responsibilities:
Attend monthly NHS meetings. Meetings are during lunch every month in the Auditorium
Complete 20 hours of service per year during membership in NHS per the guidelines of the West High School Chapter of NHS.
Maintain your GPA: Your GPA should not fall below a 3.0 any semester. Should your GPA fall below the 3.0 minimum, your membership will be jeopardized, and you will be subject to review by the Faculty Council and possible dismissal.
Submit completed hours in a timely manner using the appropriate google submission form.
Participate in NHS sponsored events (Peer Tutoring, Blood Drives, Wreath sales, and clothing drives)
Abide by the Code of Conduct, school rules, local, state, and federal laws. Should a member be found to participate in any activity that is illegal, inappropriate or unacceptable, the member will be reviewed by the Faculty Council. They will, with the Administration, determine the appropriate consequences up to and including dismissal.
Students who fulfill the duties of the NHS will graduate with DISTINCTION and will eligible for the NHS Honor Society stole to wear at graduation.