WMA Cord
2021-2022 WMA Cord Graduates
Students who wish to graduate with the distinction of having completed the West Medical Academy Cord will complete the Cord requirements as they matriculate through high school.
West Anchorage High School
Medical Academy Cord Requirements* (updated Aug 2024)
*Please note this list is fluid and dependant on available qualified staff
Required Science Classes (Complete all with C or better)
Biology (full Year)
Chemistry (full Year)
Principles of Biomedical Science (full year)
Anatomy and Physiology OR Human Body Systems (full year) *seniors THIS year are exempt from this requirement!
Medical Terminology
Required Science Classes (Complete ONE with C or better)
Essentials of Athletic Injury
First Aid
ETT (Emergency Trauma Technician)
Post Secondary Readiness (Complete 4)
Unofficial Transcript (Required)
Take ACT or SAT
Two Letters of Recommendation (for college admittance or scholarship)
Attend one formal college visit
Complete two scholarship applications
Complete a personal Essay _ prompt provided
Proof of First Aid or CPR Certifications
Career Readiness (Complete 2)
Take the Work Keys or ASVAB test
Complete a Resume
Participate in a Mock Interview
Participate in a Job Shadow
Middle School Outreach (chose one)
Facilitate tours/shadow
Facilitate STEM Day
Presentation to Middle School
Complete one semester of Career Ready
Leadership Service & Community (All are required)
Complete 10 hours of community Service (MAC Teacher approved)
Attend AND DOCUMENT* 8 Health related presentations/lectures
One volunteer Eagle’s Cache lunch shift (Seniors Only)
Minimum one year participation in HOSA OR complete a CTE internship with a grade of A or B
*requires participant to document notes, questions asked, and five facts learned from lecture