
Hi! We are the ​Tech Eagles (18848), also known as West High Robotics, a group from West Anchorage High School. We are a part of the FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) organization and we are so excited for the upcoming competitions in the 2020-2021 school year! This is a team of hardworking people that are dedicated to both robotics, business and engineering. We hold meetings twice a week (Monday and Wednesday) to help improve our robot, as well as think of new strategies for the competition. If interested in sponsoring us, please email us below with details.

Mr. Troll - Teacher Advisor

Mr. Troll has been at West High teaching math since 2015 and coaching robotics since 2019. As a novice coach with minimal robotics skills, his leadership role can best be defined as a spirited motivator, cunning recruiter, and "school employee supervisor". Through his coaching, he hopes to inspire his students to successful futures as problem solvers and STEM professionals.


Hello I am Elijah I am a member of team 18848 this is my first year of robotics. I am interested in robotics and the process of creating and programming a robot, so I am eager to contribute by programming in java. I’m sure I will learn a lot about robotics over the course of this club.


Hi, I'm Tobias.The team leader for 18848. This will be my first whole year of robotics. I enjoy designing robots, constructing them, and fixing issues as a team. I'm pretty good at CAD but have quite a bit to learn about coding. I'm excited for this year of robotics and to engineer awesome robots with my teammates.


Hello! I'm Benjamin and I am a Freshman at West Anchorage High School as well as a member of the Tech Eagles team this year, also I am on the Nerds of the North. I have been involved in FIRST for 5 years. I am looking forward to competing in Ultimate Goal this year. I enjoy CAD (and engineering in general) and even outside of this robotics team, I like to create projects with the EV3, Arduino, Fusion 360, outreach, and others.