Ms. O'Hara's Science Website

Hello parents and students!!

First off, I miss all of you!! At this point, we will be using Canvas to do our classes online. This should be the same for all of your classes (you should be getting an email from the district at some point if you haven’t yet). I recommend that you download the Canvas app to your phone (if you can) and or go to

For some of your classes you will see that there is content already loaded. That content was added by the district and we as teachers will be helping to clarify and add information to help you out.

We will not technically start “classes” until Tuesday, March 31st, but if you want to go take a look at what’s in there, feel free! If you haven’t used Canvas before, it might be helpful to see what it looks like. There are some supplemental “assignments” in there right now that are just for fun. You can also check out the district-provided content.

You will get more information as we know more, but feel free to email me at if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

I miss you all and hope you and your families are safe!


"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

-Malcolm X


Nikki O'Hara

East High School

Room #103


19-20 Calendar.pdf