
If you find something cool you want to share, email a link to me at and I will share it on this page.

Art History

Art Camera

On this website you can view famous artworks close-up. It allows you to zoom in on high quality images, as well as provide more information about artworks. Art Camera on Google Arts and Culture

12 Artworks You Would Love to Zoom in On

Art History & Tours

On Google Arts and Culture they have museum tours, artwork, and artist tours. Click on the magnify glass on the top right on the Google Arts and Culture homepage and start searching or just scroll down on the homepage and start exploring!

Here is a link to one of my favorite paintings:

Hokusai's "The Great Wave"

Here is a tour of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Click the link. When you get there click the little yellow person icon to "walk around the museum.":

Van Gogh Museum

Printable Handouts

Color Meanings

Color Wheel

Online Art Games

Online Matching Game

Click the link for a online matching games. Match Monet's Haystacks. He made 30 haystack paintings!

Other famous artist matching games on this site as well.

Current Artists

Peter Anton

Peter Anton is an American artist who does giant-sized sculptures of food! You can follow him on Instagram by searching Peter Anton or view his website below:

Click here to go to his website