• Geography (The study of Earth and its people)

    1. Five Themes

a) Location (Latitude and Longitude -Imaginary lines used to identify absolute location)

b) Movement (travel, route)

c) Region (languages, traditions)

d) Place (landforms)

e) Human Environmental Interaction ( how people use the land

There are 7 continents

From LARGEST to smallest

  • ASIA








A map, on the other hand, is a flat representation of Earth's surface. It can be drawn to any size. No flat map can ever be as accurate as a globe. That is because Earth's surface is distorted somewhat when it is flattened to create a map. In other words, a map can alter how Earth really looks. But most people prefer to use maps because they do have several advantages. For one thing, a map lets you measure distances much more easily. For another, a map lets you see the world at a glance. Most important, it's much easier to carry a map because you can fold it up!



To study Earth, geographers divide the globe into equal halves. Each half is called a hemisphere. An imaginary line called the equator divides the globe into north and south halves. The half of Earth north of the equator is called the Northern Hemisphere. The half south of the equator is called the Southern Hemisphere.

Geographers use another imaginary line to divide Earth east from west. This line is called the prime meridian. The half of Earth west of the prime meridian is called the Western Hemisphere. The half east of the prime meridian is called the Eastern Hemisphere. the United States is located in the northern and western hemispheres.