Policy Governance

The Anacortes School Board follows the standards set forth by the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) and follows a policy governance model.

WSSDA School Board Standards

Serving on your local School Board

Board Policies

Policy 1000: Legal Status and Operation

Policy 1005: Key Functions of the Board

Policy 1006: Board Code of Conduct

Policy 1105: Electoral System

Policy 1110: Election

Procedure 1110-P: Elections

Policy 1111: Oath of Office

Policy 1112: Director Orientation

Policy 1113: Board Member Residency

Policy 1114: Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

Procedure 1114-P: Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

Policy 1210: Annual Organizational Meeting

Policy 1220: Board Officers and Duties of Members

Policy 1225: School Director Legislative Program

Policy 1240: Committees

Policy 1250: Students on Governing Boards

Procedure 1250-P: Students on Governing Boards

Policy 1310: Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

Policy 1320: Suspension of a Policy

Resolution 1321R: District Reopening and Suspension of Policy

Policy 1330: Administration in the Absence of Policy or Procedure

Policy 1400: Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

Policy 1410: Executive or Closed Sessions

Policy 1420: Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

Policy 1440: Minutes

Policy 1450: Absence of a Board Member

Policy 1610: Conflict of Interest

Policy 1620: Board-Superintendent Relationship

Procedure 1620-P: Board-Superintendent Relationship

Policy 1630: Evaluation of the Superintendent

Policy 1731: Board Member Expenses

Procedure 1731-P: Board Member Expenses

Policy 1732: Board Member Insurance

Policy 1733: Board Member Compensation

Procedure 1733-P: Board Member Compensation

Form 1733F: Board Member Compensation Waiver

Policy 1805: Open Government Training

Policy 1810: Annual Goals and Objectives

Policy 1820: Board Self Assessment

Procedure 1820-P: Board Self Assessment

Policy 1822: Training and Development of the Board

Policy 1830: Participation in School Boards' Associations

Board Management Delegation (BMDs)

Executive Limitations (ELs)