Our Classroom Policies

Class Expectation and Rules

These will be posted after the class decides on our class rules

Grading Policy

A minimum of 3 grades based on Academic Achievement (Major Grade) assignments per subject per quarter will be recorded, except the first nine weeks where the minimum is 2.   A minimum of 9 Daily grades per quarter will be recorded.  Homework grades may or may not be recorded based on teacher decision.  

Reassessment: In order for a student to have the opportunity to have a reassessment on an Academic Achievement (Major Grade), the following must occur:

Only one reassessment may be taken per assessment or assignment below 70.  If the reassessment is administered, the higher grade will replace the lower one, with a maximum grade of 70 being given.  The reassessment shall be optional on the part of the student and the student must take the responsibility to set up a time with the teacher to take the reassessment.

Late Assignments: Assignments must be accepted up to 3 days after the due date without a reduction in grade.  After 3 days, a penalty of no more than 10 points per day may be applied to the grade.