

Brand name
Dove (subsidiary of Unilever)

Beauty brand


London, United Kingdom (Unilever)

Creative business transformation leader
Alessandro Manfredi
Chief Marketing Officer

Recognising triggers of creative application

In 2004, Dove ran a global piece of research and discovered that only 2% of women were comfortable defining themselves as beautiful. This triggered a shift within the brand. It went in search of a higher purpose, driven by its commitment to inspire customers and change consumer perceptions of what “beauty” means.

This led to Dove launching its campaign for Real Beauty and the Dove Self-Esteem Project. It has been committed to changing beauty into a positive experience for every woman and the next generation ever since.

Turning promise into value

Alessandro Manfredi, CMO of Dove, knew such a transformation would be predicated on a singular belief in this purpose, but also that when there is such alignment, creativity can come more naturally. Manfredi built his team around the concept of shaping these ideas with an intentional balance between imagination and crafting.

With this balance in place, Manfredi describes how making Dove’s new purpose personal and emotional to senior leaders resulted in complete organisational buy-in and alignment: 

“We created a video with the daughters of very senior people, and we asked the kids ‘What do you like about your body? What don’t you like?’ And the answers were shocking. We then created a video with those answers and that really made our leaders understand there is a big human truth out there, and that gave us a bit of a license to try.”

Harnessing exponential growth

Just because the organisation is fully bought-in to an idea does not necessarily mean effective collaboration is a given. Manfredi does not take this for granted and spends much of his time attracting the right resources, not just any resources, for the brand to thrive.

Dove’s “real beauty” campaign is now almost two decades old, but the transformation is ongoing. For Manfredi, the transformation has reached a new stage in consumer engagement. The next leap for Manfredi has been to turn over some of the control of the Dove brand to influencers. Influencers and creators have a unique ability to help build trust for brands in today’s world so it’s important to get Dove to be loved and endorsed authentically by those whose voice counts today. 

Transformational results