Latin I

Latin 1 Syllabus 2023 Mr. Kleber

Homework and Classwork

"Mr. Kleber, is there homework?"
-Yes, it is reading the current chapter we are on, re-reading a previous chapter, or a future chapter if you feel confident in doing so.

Copy of ITCL Week 35: 5/22-5/26
Copy of Latin with Mr. Kleber | Week 3, 2023
Latin with Mr. Kleber | Week 5, 2023
Latin with Mr. Kleber | Week 6, 2023
Mr. Kleber | Week 7 and 8, 2023
Kleber | Week 9 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 10, 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 11, 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 12, 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 13, 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 14, 2023
Latin - Kleber | Week 15, 2023

Lingua Latina Chapter Vocabulary Sheets

Vocabula Capituli Primi

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Sheet - Vocabula Capituli Primi

Vocabula Capituli Secundi

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Sheet - Vocabula Capituli Secundi

Vocabula Capituli Tertii

Chapter 3 Review Sheet

Vocabula Capituli Quarti

Chapter 4 Review Sheet

LLPSI - Vocabula et Grammatica First Quarter
LLPSI - Chapter 5 Vocabulary and Grammar
LLPSI - Chapter 6 Vocabulary and Grammar
LLPSI Review, Chapter by Chapter
Copy of Latin 1 - LLPSI Review Sheet (translations)


What's LLPSI?
LLPSI is short for the title of our book: Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata (The Latin Language Illustrated Through Itself).

What is the best way to use LLPSI?

Read the book. It's all in Latin and the more you read through the book, the more you will understand. It may take time, but the more you practice reading the Latin and inferring the meaning of the words through the context of the book, chapter, page, and sentences, the more you will naturally develop your own internal and intuitive understanding of Latin.

Have no fear! You may read it here at the Internet Archive. You still should try to find your book, though.


Good news! Internet Archive also has a copy of this book. Print the necessary homework pages from the pdf and I'll accept that as classwork. Do try to find your physical copy.

Where can I find a copy of our homework for the week?
Homework, Assignments, and Important Information will be on the updated calendar that's located on this webpage, above this FAQ.

Where Can I Find Vocabulary for the LLPSI?

You can find vocabulary for our whole book on the Link to Memrise. Memrise is a free flashcard website that has all of our vocabulary words listed by chapter. You can use the webpage, download an app for your phone and link it to your account through Memrise, and practice as much as you want. You can click here to be taken to Memrise: Memrise Vocabulary List and Flashcards for All of LLPSI

Can I Have Someone Read The Book For Me?

Yes, there are many delightful recordings of LLPSI on YouTube. If you are an auditory learner and prefer to hear someone read the chapter to you, here is a link that will take you to a full playlist of our book going chapter by chapter. Click Here: Lingua Latina Youtube Playlist 

Latin Tutorial will answer any question you have about Latin grammar and Latin concepts, and it's all in English.

Great Additional Resources For Studying Latin

*** is a website filled with resources to help you learn Latin. 

*** is much better than Google Translate and I will allow its use for parents and students. 

The Latin Dictionary is filled with dictionaries and charts of all conjugations!

LatDict is wonderful and will help you translate single words.

Latinitium is another dictionary.

Latin Dictionary is fantastic as well, as it gives translations, conjugates words and verb, and is free to use. Just know it will have a lot of advertisements on its webpage. 

**Daily Dose of Latin is a daily video series that screen-casts one verse of the New Testament Vulgate and guides students in pronouncing, parsing, and more. Although it is designed for Seminarians, Pastors, and Clergy, it's free for anyone who wants to learn Latin from the Vulgate New Testament.

It is directed by Tyler Flatt, Assistant Professor of Humanities at Boyce College in Louisville, KY. If you are interested in learning Latin with helpful videos that explain Latin, this is a tremendous resource that's also available on YouTube. Daily Dose of Latin is a sister series alongside Daily Dose of Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

Luke Ranieri is the man who introduced me to Lingua Latina. He is a master teacher, philologist, student of Latin history, and speaks Latin fluently. Yes, fluently. He even has a fantastic video series of him teaching Latin with the same method that Lingua Latina uses.