Teaching Materials (Go to Website)

Fuzzy Logic 08132023-Marek Reformat @ FUZZ-IEEE 2023

Evolutionary Computation 08132023-Yusuke Nojima @ FUZZ-IEEE 2023

Neural Networks 08082023-Amir Pourabdollah @ FUZZ-IEEE 2023

Evolutionary Computation 07022023-Alexander Dockhorn @ IEEE CEC 2023

Neural Network 07022023-Dominik Woiwode @ IEEE CEC 2023

Fuzzy Logic 07112021-Keeley Crockett @ FUZZ-IEEE 2021

Evolutionary Computation 07112021-Yusuke Nojima @ FUZZ-IEEE 2021

Neural Network 07112021-Amir Pourabdollah @ FUZZ-IEEE 2021

Neural Network 08162021-Naoyuki Kubota @ 2021 IEEE CIS Summer School

CI&AI-FML Application to Camera Module

CI&AI-FML Application to Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)

Camera Module Operation of CI&AI-FML Learning Tools

SD Card Module Operation of CI&AI-FML Learning Tools

ADAS Manual Operation of CI&AI-FML Learning Tools

ADAS Automatic of CI&AI-FML Learning Tools

Data Collection Operation of CI&AI-FML Learning Tools

CI&AI-FML Robot, MoonCar, and Learning Tools Application to ADAS

Track D: BCI Device Control Drone

Track D: Real-time Brain-Controlled Drone @ IEEE CEC 2023

Track A.1  Human Intelligence (HI)-based Fuzzy Logic and System (HI-FLS): Construct KB & RB @ ZAI-FML Learning Platform

Track A.2  Human Intelligence (HI)-based Fuzzy Logic and System (HI-FLS): Design Blockly Program @ NUWA Lab.

Track A.3  Human Intelligence (HI)-based Fuzzy Logic and System (HI-FLS): Import Blokly Program to Robot from NUWA Lab. and Control Robot via MQTT @ ZAI-FML Learning Platform

Track B  Nature-Inspired Evolution Computation (EC) and Machine Learning (EC-ML): PSO-based Machine Learning @ ZAI-FML Learning Platform

Track C.1   Experience and Practice Neural Network (NN) Applications with Google Teachable Machine and Robot: Image Data Collection and Machine Learning

Track C.2   Experience and Practice Neural Network (NN) Applications with Google Teachable Machine and Robot: AI-FML Robot Setting and the Blockly Program Design

Track C.3  Experience and Practice Neural Network (NN) Applications with Google Teachable Machine and Robot: Combine AI-FML Travel Recommendation with Robot Image Recognition

Track C.4   Experience and Practice Neural Network (NN) Applications with Google Teachable Machine and Robot: AI-FML Travel Recommendation Application with Image Recognition (Simulation)

Track F  Practice and Application of CI Mini Project: AI-FML Travel Recommendation

Che-Chia Liang Introcuces Travel Recommendation Application