

國立中央大學資訊電機學院院長 暨







栗永徽博士是鴻海科技集團鴻海研究院人工智慧研究所的創所所長,該研究院是鴻海3+3轉型戰略中最關鍵技術的核心研發中心。他於1995年獲得國立台灣大學學士學位,1998年獲得賓夕法尼亞大學碩士學位,2010年於卡內基美隆大學計算機科學學院獲得博士學位。在加入鴻海之前,他曾任教於國立中央大學資訊工程系。他曾擔任多個國際會議的產業主席(industry chair)、宣傳主席(publicity chair)或技術計劃委員會委員(technical program committee member)。他的研究團隊在自動駕駛領域有極其出色的成果,在全世界自動駕駛大挑戰 Argoverse 1 & 2 贏得世界冠軍的桂冠,成果發表在享譽全球的AI頂級會議 CVPR。他還是日內瓦國際發明展、匹茲堡國際發明展、矽谷國際發明展的多次的金牌銀牌得主。他目前的研究方向包括人工智慧、深度學習、計算機視覺、多媒體、多模態基礎模型、自動駕駛和生物識別技術。


Dr. Yung-Hui Li is the founding director of AI Research Center of Hon Hai Research Institute, which is the core R&D center for the most critical technology of Foxconn's 3+3 transformation strategy. He received his B.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1995, the M.S. degree from University of Pennsylvania in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from school of computer science of Carnegie Mellon University in 2010. Before joining Foxconn, he served as tenured faculty in National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. He has been served as industry chair, publicity chair or technical program committee member in various international conference. His research team has achieved outstanding results in the field of autonomous driving. They won the world championship in the global autonomous driving challenge Argoverse 1 & 2. Their achievements were published at the globally renowned top-level AI conference, CVPR. He also has won several gold or silver medals at Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, Pittsburgh International Invention show (INPEX) and Silicon Valley International Invention Festival (SVIIF). His current research interests include AI, deep learning, computer vision, multimedia, multimodal foundation model, autonomous driving and biometric recognition.



AI Revolutionizing Digital Learning: Empowering Flipped Education and Navigating Ethical Frontiers




In this talk, I will explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Firstly, I'll explain how AI mimics human learning. Then, I'll delve into the market size of Generative AI in education. Next, I'll discuss how AI transforms education, personalizing learning and enhancing teaching methods. I'll highlight benefits like personalized learning and improved engagement, as well as challenges such as privacy and equity issues. Providing examples of AI in digital learning, from tutoring systems to adaptive assessments, I'll demonstrate its practical applications. Lastly, I'll touch on the potential of the Metaverse in education. In conclusion, I will emphasize AI's significant impact on shaping the future of education.





Dr. Kai Hua received a MediaTek scholarship in 2004 to pursue his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University in the USA. He has authored over a hundred AI-related academic papers published in international conferences and journals, and holds more than ten patents. He has also been honored with numerous academic and technical awards, including Top Performance Award from ACM Multimedia Grand Challenges, Young Scholar Research Award, Teaching Excellence Award, and Research Excellence Award from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Operational Excellence Award from Microsoft Taiwan, and K. T. Li Cornerstone Award from the Institute of Information & Computing Machinery. Currently, Dr. Hua serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft Taiwan, where he is responsible for executing various digital strategic plans, participating in the development and deployment of cutting-edge technologies such as generative AI, and is dedicated to enhancing the digital resilience of the organization and enabling industry transformation.


釋放 AI :改變未來教育

AI Unleashed: Transforming Education for Tomorrow



In an ever-evolving landscape, the integration of AI in education promises transformative changes. As the CTO of Microsoft Taiwan, I delve into the pivotal role of Generative AI, its capacity to revolutionize innovations across industries, and the profound implications for digital transformation advancement. Introducing AI into education poses challenges, particularly in assessments, yet opens avenues for innovation and personalized learning experiences. In this talk, we'll explore AI's potential in research and digital learning, driving discoveries and insights that propel educational advancements. Additionally, we will introduce global trends, highlighting the imperative of embracing AI-powered learning for fostering a dynamic, inclusive, and future-ready educational ecosystem.


國立中央大學/資訊工程學系講座教授 兼 研發長



楊教授於2010、2017年兩度榮獲國科會傑出研究奬,研究領域包含人工智慧、機器學習、大數據、學習分析。楊教授至今已發表超過80餘篇SSCI、SCI期刊論文,Google scholar citation超過一萬二千次,h-index為51,並連續多年名列史丹佛大學發布的「全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單」。